Anyone in HigeHiro who thinks Yoshida and Sayu's relationship is problematic is portrayed as a villain? You seriously make up any stupidest fucking point to make yourself sound like an intellect.
the hatred in the comments are nothing compared the innate hatred required to leave 1/10 reviews on shows that did nothing to offend you personally simply because they are popular with other people.
if what your banner says is true maybe you're the one who needs to love more.
Even though I disagree with most of the anime scores you give, I see why you gave it that way, I hope you have a great day and have fewer haters spamming their opinions like retarded halfwits in the comment section for having different opinions.
Anyways, this comment is not meant to be harmful nor is it to offend anyone in any way or format. I hope you all have a great day.
Hey, just wanted to let you know the next comment is just a bunch of bigoted rubbish, not really worth reading.
Now I'm not sure if I should ask this, but if you end up reading it, would you mind considering reporting it? It seems impossible to do so on someone else's profile, which is a shame.
Anyway, best of luck with all the other comments, and thanks for the 86 review.
I came to say ugly things to you and to remember about your mother but then after carrefully reading your review of 86 I think you have some valid points in there about how it makes the viewers side with the 86s and hate the discriminators because of how illogical and dumb their arguments are but I think there's a reason for that and it's the deep influence of social justice warrior culture all around the media. If an author wanted to portrait discrimination in all of it's glory with as much realism as posible and depict the 86 as a certain race that is way more prone to violent crimes, theft, loot, low iq, fighting and basically every other bad thing and started giving examples that hit really close to home, that made people sayto themselfs "hey, I haven't noticed really because discrimination is bad and we are all equal but... absolutely every bad thing that has happened in the last decade on my neighborhood was perpetrated by the same ethnic group that the 86s represent" if that were to happen, even if the maker were to go the extra mile to give all the reasons as to why they behaved that way and justify the actions of the discriminated it most probably wouldn't fly, they show would never see the light and the maker would "get cancelled" and probably loose his carrer. Sadlly we live in a world with a lot of censorship and everyday we get closer to china levels of opression, the only difference is that there they can't speak bad about the goverment and here in western nations we can't speak bad about anyone that isn't white to the point that this comment might not stay posted for long even tho I tried to be as careful as possible.
At least from the way I see it that could be the reason why he makes the discriminators seem so dumb and makes us side with the opressed.
That being said I think 86 was pretty solid and enjoyable.
Only three reviews but each of them very well written, I especially liked your take on 86's misuse of war and politics in its themes. Keep up the good work!
All Comments (136) Comments
if what your banner says is true maybe you're the one who needs to love more.
Anyways, this comment is not meant to be harmful nor is it to offend anyone in any way or format. I hope you all have a great day.
Now I'm not sure if I should ask this, but if you end up reading it, would you mind considering reporting it? It seems impossible to do so on someone else's profile, which is a shame.
Anyway, best of luck with all the other comments, and thanks for the 86 review.
At least from the way I see it that could be the reason why he makes the discriminators seem so dumb and makes us side with the opressed.
That being said I think 86 was pretty solid and enjoyable.
Caught in 4K.