Ooh that sounds like fun! I went to the city fair with my friends, then watched anime and played video games with them.
What video games do you like to play?
RC is love. <3 Do you post under the same name? I sure do. Also, isn't Divine just awesome for keeping the blog running? :D Much much praise goes to him from me. :}
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On a sidenote, great Toradora avatar!
I go on periodic sprees of picture gathering, then I have no place to show them off except for here.
Oh P3P? Great game. I've played P3 and P4, i just don't have a PSP to play P3P T.T
Hmm...I haven't heard of those games
Me? I have a gamecube and a PS2. I'm hoping to get myself a PSP soon, mostly so I can play P3P XD
did you check them?
Nvm, I just did...... xD
What video games do you like to play?
^ Get wit it.