I'm at 26th tpb of Berserk...so i have alot to read in my plate to get the current events. The delay in the release of the new chapters are no problem for me for now because of that. :D I have some missing tpbs this is why i'm so behind of the current events but i had ordered them shortly before i wrote this massege. :D I wish there was a Berserk anime loyal to the manga which has 400 episodes so we could have it all as anime but i don't see that happening....
I just wanted to say hi to a fellow Berserk fan. we have 66.2% medium-high anime compatibility, not bad. Death note and fullmetal alchemist are also your favorites, mine too :D i currently watch attack on titan, i'm at last 3 episodes. I really liked it too. :)
Haha! Nah. I think you're just too organised? Like, me. But I'm not tidy at all. Hmm.. How weird. xD I know! I have to stay here because other than friends, how am I going to know what I ever watched? Haha.
We should write something pervert-y so that if someone happens to find it, they'd think we're disgusting. xD
Me too! I had a drama phase riiiight after my anime phase ended. And then I had a manga phase a few months ago and now I only watch youtube videos. Hahaha! And I know! I have this fear that if I delete ANY of my accounts on any site, I won't be able to meet people I know anymore sobs.
Hahaha maybe! We should probably do this game where we hide stuff for each other. :P
Yeah maybe if you forced yourself to watch then you would've hated anime and deleted your MAL account and we might never meet again! \\\\\\\\\\O/////////!!!
Aww. Well. Hug a pole and when I come I'll hug it so we can have some sort of connection haha!
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I just wanted to say hi to a fellow Berserk fan. we have 66.2% medium-high anime compatibility, not bad. Death note and fullmetal alchemist are also your favorites, mine too :D i currently watch attack on titan, i'm at last 3 episodes. I really liked it too. :)
Make sure they're innuendos that Japanese people are not used to so they'll be like "Huh?!".
We should write something pervert-y so that if someone happens to find it, they'd think we're disgusting. xD
Hahaha maybe! We should probably do this game where we hide stuff for each other. :P
Aww. Well. Hug a pole and when I come I'll hug it so we can have some sort of connection haha!
Aw lucky you! Next summer? I might be going to Japan on August. :D