Just someone trying to get deeper into the medium and chronicle my experiences doing so. Don't expect deep reviews (Or any reviews outside of the score I give a show).
Scoring system:
10: Best of the best. A masterpiece with little to no no flaws. Iif there are flaws they are little more than nitpicks in the grand scheme of the piece. These shows are a cut above just about everything else out there and possess not only resonant properties, but also qualities that make them truly timeless in some form or another. The rarest of scores given only to the best of the best. If I am ever in the mood to rewatch shows, these are always at the top of my list
9: Excellent. Shows with this score are ones I would deem truly great. They possess qualities that set them apart from average or even good shows. Perhaps they even resonate with me on a personal level. The only reason these shows aren't 10s is because of a flaw or two that, while not detracting from the show being excellent, are noticeable enough to make it not quite perfect. Very rewatchable and help shape my standards. The shows that I won't shut up about ever
8: Very good. Shows in this category are very good in most, if not all regards though are JUST shy of being something truly great. Whatever flaws they possess are apparent, but for the most part they are either minor or overshadowed by all it does right. The kinds of shows I will always recommend to people and will find myself rewatching on a whim
7: Good. This score is for shows that are okay to good in most regards, though don't really do enough to make them truly stick out. Overall I enjoy shows with this score and will likely recommend them to other people, but I won't go out of my way to rewatch them except on rare occasions. The kind of show that I don't really have much to say about other than "It's good"
6: Flawed. This score is for shows that are noticeably flawed but generally have enough going for them for me to consider them closer to "good" than "mediocre". These shows can either be ones that are very flawed but have enough fun parts to make them worth watching, or shows that are extremely fun but are glaringly flawed enough to stop them from being actually GOOD.
5: Mediocre: This score is for shows that are mediocre in every regard. These shows often have glaring flaws that significantly hamper the experience. However, they also have enough decent qualities to prevent me from deeming them as "bad". The definition of a "wet fart".
4: Bad. This is for shows that are generally mediocre to bad in most or all regards. The shows with this score have crippling flaws that make it an unpleasant experience to sit through, but the bad parts aren't quite terrible enough to make the show as a whole anything more than "just bad", and there's enough good to salvage something from the experience.
3: Very bad. Shows with this score are bad to really bad in most regards. The few upsides they have aren't enough to keep their rampant, glaring flaws from making me hate the experience the whole way through. That being said, many shows that qualify as "So bad they're good" end up with this score from entertainment value alone
2: Trash. Shows with this score are horrible in just about every way. There's nothing that makes these shows worth watching or anything but a waste of time and effort.
1: Beyond Salvation. A special hell reserved for the horrible shows that offend me on a visceral level or are so fundamentally broken they barely qualify as anime. Stuff like Mars of Destruction and Blazblue Alter MEmory end up here for being irrevocably, uncompromisingly broken and terrible. They're so bad they're unwatchable.
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