I looked at my friends friends list and i seen a name "Cockerel" so i clicked it and i found probably the funniest picture i've ever seen. Congratulations Your the coolest person ever haha!
We have a couple of new polls up now which we have the Character and Team of the Month for February 2012 which you can vote for by visiting the following links.
To get this club up and more active again we are looking for members who are interested in helping us with different tasks in the club. If you have lots of spare time, are on MAL almost every day and interested in joining one of the staff openings please feel free to PM one of the admins on which tasks you’re interested in. Here’s some of the staff openings that are available now:
Newsletter Team – This is the area we need the most help. Job of being on the newsletter team is to send letters out to the members of the fan club. Were looking for at least 15 members or more to help us out with this task since sending letters to nearly 5000 members takes a long time for only one person alone.
Member Card Makers - If you have some graphic experience, we need your help with making Member ID Cards and sending them out to members that request for one.
Club Recruiters – Looking for a least a couple of members who are interested to help inviting members to the club that are interested in the Naruto series.
Again please PM one the admins if you are interested in one of the positions above or if you have any questions.
This is a reminder that the voting for the Naruto Character and Team of the month has begun. Voting ends on October 31. To vote please visit the following links:
Haha...thanks to you I just learned the existence of an ova called "Denpateki na Kanojo".
*Adding it to my list*
Sometime short ovas are really nice to watch compared to long & boring animes v_v
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Leaving soon!! sounds like a family problem to me. *Smaster shut up*
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ƸӜƷ ~*Cho Cho Empire*~ ƸӜƷ
January 2012 Edition
*Adding it to my list*
Sometime short ovas are really nice to watch compared to long & boring animes v_v
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Leaving soon!! sounds like a family problem to me.
*Smaster shut up*
But that makes you a lucky girl xD
Men do ku se v_v
So has you end of year holiday already started ? :D
Are you watching animes btw...Cockrerel-san ? xD
So you're back or just making a brief hero appeareance xD