Hey everyone!
I'm open to all genres so if you want to throw a suggestion my way feel free. Likewise, if you want to strike up a conversation please do so. I'm more than happy to chat.
I rate anime and manga once I've completed them. I'm not (surprise!) a professional therefore, these ratings are based purely on my personal thoughts and feelings*. They're likely to differ from yours but this doesn't make either of us right or wrong. We simply like what we like, and don't like what we don't. Sound fair?
Early warning for those who are opposed for whatever reason(s); there is yaoi and yuri content on both my anime and manga lists. If you don't like that well, too bad haha. I enjoy it so sue me.
*[i]Side note: Ratings on some anime I've watched are subject to change (especially in regards to content I viewed just starting out). Until I re-watch these or if I ever do however, they're staying as is. Don't judge me too harshly for those scores haha.
All Comments (38) Comments
You seem well-informed. There's some awesome stuff on your list; especially your PTW.
The last two Madoka movies are something I could recommend that wouldn't take too long. There's also a concept movie that's like a prototype trailer for the upcoming fourth movie.
So with the word "Nova" in your user name do you have a love of astronomy? I was re-reading an article just yesterday on galaxy super clusters, these are how we classify the passage of matter that makes up the ever expanding universe. They did a visualisation of our own super cluster:
They named it "Laniakea", it is a word of native Hawaiian language, it translates to "immeasurable heaven". I thought both it and the patterns made from the compute model were beautiful. To think that our own understanding of our place in the universe is so limited that this discovery was made only in 2014!
So with a past interest in the creative arts what are you hoping to do professionally in the future?
Fantasy and science fiction themes have long been my favourite, mostly due to the freedom of imagination the genres allow for. H. G. Wells, Tolkien, Philip K. Dick and Orson Scott being amongst my favourite writers. What anime are you following at the moment? I see you have quite a few historical anime in your "to watch" list.
Musical talent is something I was to naive to pursue when I was younger. I would have loved to have learnt piano or violin, they do say it is never to late to start though :) Though you have dabbled in plenty, did you find one you preferred?
Hmmmm, NGNL was something beautiful for me. Do you enjoy the fantasy genre?
No Game No Life was a delight for both the vividly coloured visuals and the original soundtrack, I am pretty heartbroken we will never see another season. Do you play any instruments per chance?
Chobits you say... that goes back quite a few years. My friend at school who first introduced me to anime recommended both Chobits and Ah! My Goddess. Though this was at a time when I did not have broadband, only later did I get a chance to watch these and pretty much like you say there was no turning back. The anime industry has exploded in size since the mid-late 2000's, but I still lack friends at work to talk to about anime D: