I was born and live in Argentina. No Japanese origins. My mother tongue is Spanish.
I write poetry, I´m an amateur singer, and also like to draw.
I love japanese culture. Played taiko for a while. Have studied Japanese por four years. I make origami and have an "uta garuta" set of cards at home (wish I could use them). I love Japanese literature, especially poetry. I like Japanese horror films, one of the things that scare me most are Japanese ghosts. I enjoy reading manga and watching anime or doramas.
My favorite ukiyo-e artist: Hokusai
My favorite anime: Ano Hana
My favorite word: "aware", which means "sensitivity, sadness, compassion, malancholy"
My favorite poet: Ono no Komachi, a courtesan of the Heian Period
My favorite japanese bands: Tokyo Jihen and The Hiatus
My favorite japanese solo artists: Miyavi (especially his neovisual, Kabuki Boyz, period) and Shiina Ringo
My favorite dorama: Liar Game
My favorite manga: Sekamichi no Apollon
My favorite movie: Okuribito (Departures)
My favorite place in Japan: The Silver Pavilion, in Kyoto
My favorite town: Ainokura
My favorite places to eat in Japan: An udon store in Shinjuku, a bakery in the Kyoto train station, the shadow under a cherry tree by the Sumida River
All Comments (59) Comments
Welp, anyways really nice review on shiki no zenjitsu, I will give it a shot.
Te envío este mensaje para informarte de nuestra presencia aquí en MyAnimeList, como un nuevo club para todo Hispano hablante fan del anime y manga, y para invitarte a hacer parte de nuestra acojedora comunidad, obviamente si se presenta de vuestro interés. Tenemos Juegos, Debates, Noticias, Proyectos, Member Cards y varias ediciones de cards para los miembros. Siéntase libre de pasar un rato con nosotros! Te estaremos esperando! ^O^
Federación Latino - Americana.[/b]
Te recomiendo que si algún día tenés ganas te leas esto (salteándose el primer capítulo, que por razones que desconozco tiene shota... lolwwat).
Es mi manga preferido, y si bien a veces el arte no es wow, el formato que sigue la historai es muy bueno.
Es bueno saber que más personas aprecian el arte de Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan.
Acabo de leer Zero Mellow gracias a tu review.
(Iba a escribir en inglés hasta que vi de donde eras... esto es todo un mundo aparte).
jejeje sí, efectivamente eso de la compatibilidad es medio complicado de entender como se calcula acá en MAl, yo pienso q eso se toma como base la cantidad de anime/manga en común, así como su calificación, mas q todo la diferencia entre calificaciones q supongo al ser menor más compatible son.
Yo también soy de ver/leer de todo un poco, ya con el tiempo he logrado definir mejor qué me gusta y qué no, aun así me gusta variar de vez en cuando para ver si me encuentro algo interesante.
Aunq en anime también estamos similares
Oh that's a coincidence. I use to live in the North of England (North-East to be more precise) although I never thought that any of the accents were 'beautiful' but then I've always preferred accents from further west ( North + South America) namely Mexican and also the Italian-American one that's often in American mafia movies. But it is unfortunate when you lose an accent. When I was around three I moved to Australia for around 6 years but then when I returned I lost it after about 2 years (probably because I was so young) also on a similar note I'm very bad at imitating accents so whenever people ask me to do an Australian accent I either can't or fail miserably :"(
As for your last point on subbed/dubbed movies it sounds about right and you certainly seem more educated on the matter than me :P but to some degree I still think that England is fairly ignorant of other countries, or maybe it's just misinformation but from what I've heard of other countries online it certainly seems less diverse.
Also you seem like a good linguist as you know Spanish,English and Japanese which is impressive. I only know English and a bit of French which I learnt in Secondary school :P. Unfortunately England (For the most part) is quite ignorant of other cultures and as a result very few people here speak a second language fluently, also this means we don't really have any subtitled movies at the cinema so I just buy them of the internet or at stores.
Also sorry for the late reply, I need to make a habit of checking my profile more :P