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coffeedrops 9 hours ago
That's nice πŸ™
Mm the trains are a lot less packed when traveling away from the city.
My setup is over a decade old & just a office pc & chair, but it's still much more comfortables than than the cubicles at work (though there's a double monitor at work). Google sheets takes a while to get used to on slow pcs. I can't focus at home since I'm used to it being for relaxing & housework, having people talking is also distracting but a bit motivating if others are also working hard.
I often go the whole work day (or until whenever my neck begins to hurt lol). It's good to talk a walk every 20m but I either lose track of time or don't want to break momentum by taking a break.

I watched a little TV in the 00s too, though I mostly listened to 60-80s English & classical on the radio. Anime came in the 10s & regular pop music in the late 10s (& a bit of kpop since there were a lot of Koreans here).

I forget alcohol is legal at 16 over there. It's quite interesting hearing an upbeat song & finding it has depressing lyrics.
Why Inuyasha lol. The combo makes me think of the Rurouni Kenshin OP that has a similar swing drum beat.
Yea "Über den Wolken" feels like a folk or school anthem tier song :v
Electronic seems to be super common, even the rock songs have a few seconds of it in the background.
I wonder if they have a pitch white room for filming or a bunch of green screens.
Ah the classic lyric board videos. Visual illusions are always fun.
iLuvleyOtter 12 hours ago

Hey, how's it going? What are you watching or reading right now?
coffeedrops Today, 6:41 AM
Actually nevermind lol, it turns out the song did show up eventually... Glasperlenspiel - Nie vergessen (appropriately titled for a song I couldn't remember)
coffeedrops Today, 6:20 AM
Are you lucky enough to not have mails or calls outside of work hours? :')
Usually I try to commute before peak hours if possible since public transport is super expensive otherwise & from the school students rushing in. I find it much more comfortable to work at home on my own pc, but being at work gets more done from being in the mood/environment (might as well work if you're aready there). I don't take breaks since I'd rather go home early if allowed xD

Yea those foldable shopping trolleys! There was another word for them though I don't remember.

I don't remember the song either :v It might still be on one of my old devices.

YT lately has been slower sometimes, along with the anti-adblock that pops up.

German songs have the silliest videos lol (I assume many of them are political satire)
My favs of those were "Westerland", "Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann", & "Über den Wolken" (which I'll now remember as the plane song).
All of the Die Ärzte videos were gold...CGI Lara Croft & the flying fish lol
EAV looks a bit like Weird Al & Freddy Quinn makes me think of Frank Sinatra somehow.
Kraftwerk I do remember listening to before. Autobahn has some cool binaural.
They sound a bit more modern than their age.
-YaoiBoy- Yesterday, 11:29 AM
I guess when you've been on a website for so long, some long-term disagreements are bound to happen. Well, assuming it's done by the people you've known from the past and not someone new.

Now that I think about it, I've only done it when I needed to get back to a certain post count. I just like the idea of reducing my post count, I guess :p it's not like I'm deleting anything meaningful or controversial - just posts that I deem useless. Other than that, I stand by everything I've said :)
coffeedrops Mar 9, 1:57 PM
Mm it's not efficient at all. Spreadsheets & emails are reasonably doable (if there's room to sit down that is). I got hooked into the immersion learning fad for Japanese but usually it's TedTalks & Youtube videos. The newer trains are a bit less noisy, as long as there aren't school students swarming in lol.

I usually feel paying money saves a lot of time & effort in the long run from having to schedule, research & figure things out on your own, & the payment is also a commitment. Someone like a parent could keep accountability too. I wish my parents were stricter though they were rarely home when I was young.

Learning techniques are to spend less time on things you have to learn but aren't interested in :p Different topics have a different approach that makes learning faster, I usually take a journal & change my approaches every few weeks, so it's more learning to learn than learning the topic itself.

A friend of a friend dropped out in 10th grade to do an apprenticeship and had a carpentry business by the time the rest of us were drowning in student debt lol.

I have a few of those fabric pull carts (forgot the name for them). It used to be easier to "borrow" a shopping cart from the supermarket but they have stricter restrictions now.

Hmm there was a German duet song that I used to loop while commuting, though what I still remember are the Eurodance artists like Basshunter & Mo-Do.
Do you have any favorites or recommendations?
coffeedrops Mar 8, 4:32 PM
My current workplace is an hour away except the amount of incidences usually make it 2 hours instead. I use that time to take a nap instead lol. Maybe if I'm motivated I do some work, download some language files or podcasts for passive listening, or manga, but it's hard to get anything much done over the noise and congestion.

Personally, I think the most effective "motivation" is having a quality coach that chases you down so you don't have any time left to think about other distractions. Someone who's harsh but you respect and whom rarely gives compliments but does so at the best times.

What'd you do after college? I somewhat liked the childhood-extending feel of going to university. It was basically a waste of time & student debt for a sheet of paper but was an excuse to put off getting a job lol.

I stock up on rice whenever it's on discount at the supermarket, which is every month or two. The goal is to get 3 bags next time πŸ’ͺ

No pressure to click the vids, they're just examples :v I haven't watched them in full either

I've listened to a bit of German a long time ago. Nowadays it's just Rammstein because that's what people always send xD

Kami-Nai is the anime that "Birth" is the opening of (at least I think you meant that one).

That is a magnificent bird! Are herons common where you live? Supposedly we have a few species here too but I've never seen one.
-YaoiBoy- Mar 8, 8:07 AM
Oh, I see. I haven't been paying attention to the forums lately, so I hope it's nothing too bad. Yeah, participating in arguments can definitely be a waste of time and nerves, so it's one way to get tired of posting, especially if someone is actively seeking to get you into one.

Interesting :) on the contrary, I sometimes tend to reduce my post count by deleting some useless posts on topics like "what is your favorite food?" or the old rating-related posts that are no longer relevant etc.
coffeedrops Mar 5, 1:00 PM
Mhm negative reinforcement is one way to look at it, fear & admiration are both useful depending on the situation. (I'm going to ramble a lot so it'll go in a spoiler)

Instrumentals used to be a lot nicer. The Borgman OPEDs are actually metal bands. I remember when there was a craze around Plastic Love a while back, many of the slower songs have a sort of city pop beat to them.

I prefer male & female equally, though the genres with male vocals are far less common in anime.

KOTOKO sounded awful at first but she grew on me after 3 seasons of Shana xD (& all the games she's in) Kannazuki ED is really nostalgic, the Toradora songs too.
Oh PSO2 has a rhythm game? The pop-up text is amusing, sort of like the scrolling chat on niconico. I'm a huge Kami-Nai shill but it's hard to find others who enjoy it.
Mitsuko & Yui Horie are probably unrelated but it's funny to think of it. I did see that TRUSTRICK πŸ™ is the daughter of Seiko Matsuda though, I'd never have realised despite liking them both.

:o I want to see a hedgehog someday.
Simple names have a nice feel. They're a bit hard to search for though.
I do recognise Hoshizora (mostly because the songs were popular in osu! :v)
coffeedrops Mar 1, 4:15 PM
When everyone around you is a tryhard, it gives motivation from a fear of being left behind :')

I like most things 80s to 00s, though friends know me for Borgman, GACKT, KOTOKO, Kitaeri & the Hories (Yui & Mitsuko)

We have a bunch of backyard wildlife here, birds, possums, lizards & the sort.
Mm it's about time to rotate out the pics since it's already March (I had a single happy new year pic for the whole of last year).
Do you have a story behind your profile picture & username?
coffeedrops Feb 26, 10:13 AM
That's an interesting quote & definitely important. My idea there was more surface level; an immersion/conforming sort of thing like being more competitive/motivated to do hobby you're in a community for, or if everyone around you is positive it makes you think a bit more positively too. It doesn't always work but it's still nice to take advantage of if there's a community of people you want to become more like nearby.

Yep anisong is just anime songs :v

I could never commit to pvp games for those reasons because it's a gamble whether you end your day's free time ecstatic or pissed off xD
It's always exciting to get along with strangers, just one pleasant person is enough to make my day.
Ooo, I didn't remember much from zts besides Umineko. Forte Escape is usually the first artist who comes to mind (apparently he runs a restaurant now).

Yea the days blur when every day is the same. It's a bit scary.
Natural sunlight is always a happy thing~
Summer's about to end here so the bugs & birds are going away too. There's been some turkeys roaming my roof & getting into the house lately which is annoying but funny.

coffeedrops Feb 25, 9:36 AM
Hmm finding a purpose is the hard part of being lucky enough to choose :') Purpose & appreciation sort of tie in with the people you spend time around, which is a *little* easier to change. That being said, my friends already have successful careers while the most I've been motivated was trying to listen to every anisong xD
I always respect people willing to argue since it puts out thoughts that others would rather not say (of course in moderation).

Dang, S4 League is an unfamiliar name, it looks like such a throwback. What was the game/community like?
(I do remember Pentavision for DJ Max though)
Pubg was popular ~2017 when battle royales were the trend. It was like the plague :v

The days go by super fast huh...I can't believe it's already been 3 days since your last message & nearing the end of February.
coffeedrops Feb 21, 7:07 AM
Eh I'm still as lost in life as anyone else, trying things & seeing what sticks.
Seeing a doctor is sort of unfulfilling here. It's always a cycle of getting scans & poked with needles for months on end. They have crazy good social skills though, it's a tough job to make patients feel good about themselves~

I don't play much games nowadays (unless others drag me into the hole like with gachas). Have you played anything lately?

My dad's away with relatives for my grandma's 90th. My mom & I don't have the month to spare unfortunately though, usually she's at the lab late then comes home & works. It must be nice being close to relatives, they become more valuable over the years. My cousin's married with a kid too, it's funny since the last time I saw him he was talking about how Pubg was his life xD

I have bread for lunch every day too (usually sourdough since it stays good for the longest), it's a godsend for lazy people lol. There's a bunch of asian bakeries near the station with choco cornets & stuff that my parents like to get.
coffeedrops Feb 19, 1:34 AM
Do you have any tips for dealing with burnout? I always watch my diet, sleep, exercise, water, sunlight/nature/fresh air etc since those seem to feed into each other, it's really hard to get out of. My expectations are usually low (albiet weird sometimes), I'd rather be appreciative for what does happen. I like to keep on & offline separate too, similar to separating work from home.

> I can find other ways to waste time
Something always manages to find it's way into free time. There's too much to do :v

> voice or just direct messaging?
Small servers/channels. I rarely have the energy for voice but it's nice having a supportive community.

> how long does it take you to visit them?
They're close, though my extended family lives too far away to visit. My dad's out of the country so I'm watching out for my mom who's always working late (have to make sure she isn't living off chocolate chip cookies lol).
How are things with your family?
coffeedrops Feb 16, 12:22 PM
Yeah, it's hardly worth spending your limited energy thinking about negative comments. Do you mean burnt out online, with real life or a bit of both?

> for something productive, for creative work, for leisure or for deepening connections or even bonding with people who matter
Ideally that's what would happen but my average day is more like get home, write some emails, do gacha dailies then crash & read webtoons or talk to friends on Discord lol. There's so many hobbies I'd want to pick up again, like piano, but the motivation is just not there. I'm checking in more on my parents lately at least.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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