All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 167.4
Mean Score:
- Watching46
- Completed307
- On-Hold1
- Dropped18
- Plan to Watch154
- Total Entries526
- Rewatched68
- Episodes10,005
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 59.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries114
- Reread1
- Chapters10,200
- Volumes610
All Comments (48) Comments
i havent played pc games iin a very long time since diablo 2 (addicting like herion)
I remember trying to get a ps3 on launch date, waited for 10 hours in line outside while it was snowing and it was cold. the first guy in line wae equiped for it had a heater and a tent with food. there were only 10 ps3s and I was 12 in line me and the guy in front were so disappointed. there was a guy who sold his spot for 1000 bucks that night. so i went home and just stared at the wall and just talked to myself haha. the guy in front of me said that he was 24 in line at bestbuy earlier that night and found out that they had 30 and he was pissed off