Anime Stats
Days: 40.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries144
- Rewatched0
- Episodes2,411
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Manga Stats
Days: 52.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries89
- Reread0
- Chapters7,656
- Volumes629
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All Comments (5) Comments
My goddd, those last few episodes made up for many frustrating moments I had with the show along the way lol.. i.e. Kozue's sudden disappearance and how she became such a forgotten character, and her and Godai's breakup was never properly addressed.
Still loved it regardless, an anime to never forget.
Oh right! I forgot about that one. I am actually not sure how many series she has now, but Ranma 1/2 is one of my favorite all time animes. I absolutely enjoyed every single moment of it. When I heard that MI was the romance counterpart of Ranma 1/2 i was immediately sold.
but yeah I wasn't aware of that being a popular japanese doll. I just thought it was from a certain somewhere and they made it into a japanese live action movie. InuYasha is the only popular one I haven't seen by her. Maison Ikkoku has been extremely pleasant so far. About 1/3 through but I'm still loving it.
is this the same thing as that? cause i am a little curious ._. LOL.