All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 549.3
Mean Score:
- Reading23
- Completed1,457
- On-Hold1,142
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read0
- Total Entries2,622
- Reread2
- Chapters87,980
- Volumes6,353
All Comments (968) Comments
I've been watching such a cool anime lately called: Haikyuu!!
It's a sports anime but i really enjoyed it.
When you're done watching all your other anime, then start this!
oh yes! zelda! That's been on my to-play list since forever. That and final fantasy. I'll get to those once I'm safely in college! Yosh, motivation!
woah, a heck of a lot of romance in there. you're getting soft! Oh I know, you got a girlfriend XD light-and-fluffy time! lol
Kimi ni Todoke I've watched the anime (which was great), Beelzebub's on my plan-to-read/watch, 5 cm per sec I'll read, 'cause the movie was hardly moving. And Liar game is a recently added thing which I'll DEFINITELY get to. In fact, I'm starting it -^-
Oh, btw, watch something called 'Natsume Yuujinchou' and tell me what you think. 'Cause either it's just me, or the world's frickin' crazy...
Fun-stuff wise: spent the whole of christmas and christmas eve playing 'Uncharted 3'. *___* Gameplay=fan-frickin'-tastic. Like that ocean level, man..
Anime/manga wise: re-watching/reading everything related to the world god only knows, which is a seriously entertaining series. T^T I wish more would come out!
I'm at a complete loss as to what to do anymore. It seems like I've watched every good thing out there. A new masterpiece has yet to show itself TT___TT
What about you, what've you been doing?
Anyway, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! (and a happy new year, if I don't come on before that.)