Growing up we had no choice but to watch anime if we wanted to watch TV.I have very dear memories of getting early with my older brother to watch this or that series before my grandma yelled at us to go to play outside. I also have dear memories of drawing with him, or with my childhood friends this character or that other in rainy evenings (rainy north is where I was born, raining 9 months without stop every year)... having every wall in our bedroom covered in anime characters drawn by us. And even running away from home to go to the comic store to buy some manga or artbooks, or just sniffing around the new releases because we were broke as rats.
Nowadays I am passing on the hobby to the next generation. There is something in anime that has always inspired me to try to be better, to work hard and be stronger. I am thankful for that, because in my mother culture working hard is for loosers, strong females are for-ever-spinsters (so loosers too), strong willed people are made fun of... so I am glad anime showed me different ideas...
I hope for the day when those kinds of characters and ideas come back to anime...
Just talk about anything: life's too short to bottle up
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