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Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Kyoto Douran
Aug 14, 2024 11:44 PM
Plan to Watch
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Days: 32.0
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- Volumes432
All Comments (120) Comments
I will try to get better, I promise. But, in the meantime, just skip my reviews? Eh, I don't know.
~ D.M
There is no need to feel sorry. This is the internet and it's not unexpected to meet completely ignorant people. I knew that when I jumped into the discussion. It's somewhat annoying and sad at the same time but there is nothing you can really do. All I can hope is that some readers gained knowledge of the current state of the SSB series.
When it comes to rating by genre, that is something I used to do but find myself questioning constantly nowadays. For instance Gungrave I had rated highly, because I thought it was the best game adaptation. I now think that is extremely questionable and regret it constantly. For instance, rating some kind of ecchi series highly because it is the best in that kind of genre, would also feel terrible because no doubt the show would be terrible. Also problematic in this approach is what you define as a genre. It very well may be different to other MAL users perspective, and certainly different from the actual genres used in Japan.
If you wanted a perfect average from 1-10, it would be 5.5 btw.
All my 1s are of course not equal, and nothing in any score range are entirely equal. I would prefer a 1-100 rating system but this would be endlessly tiring. I use a 1-100 rating system for film ratings currently (of which currently only the Star Wars Holiday Special is 1/100).
If you think Mars of Destruction is the most terrible you will ever see.. I`m afraid that is naive! It`s like, student project gone bad kind of bad, it`s not try to kill yourself by smash your head against the wall repeatedly bad. There is lots worse out there to enjoy.
Otherwise, check out the club here:
My biggest problem is most of the good anime seem to start out like higarashi, you have to push through first few episodes before it get's really good. So Just like a suggestion.
In other news, Re-l has the best character design I've ever seen.
Akira didn't strike me as being philosophical until right at the very end. It made me feel very... Strange. But I love it. And I'm in love with Kei.
I know, right? A friend of mine told me how she tried to watch it, but got so mad she cut it off short. I guess I'm happy for him being passionate about his work, but I've heard people say Oreimo, is uh... So...
I think some stories are beginning to go stale because a) people have been re-using the same story idea over and over, only switching around some things (see: the time where every author copied the ideas from Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey) and b) we're just running out of ideas in general, possibly.
As well as this, companies are just desperate to get money.
My taste isn't bad... Like, I sort of regret watching Pom Poko. :C
I thought I wouldn't like shoujo manga, but KnK, as well as some others, have proved me wrong.
AnoHana was amazing. A guy has clothed sex with a ghost within the first few minutes? That's outrageous! I like it. I gave it a 9/10.
And- How is a B average?! That's awful! But, good job for passing math! I failed math, much to my disappointment, so I'm switching classes.
Well, you gave it your best shot! If you didn't do all that, maybe you would've received a C, so I'm sure your studying paid off.
Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh (the originals) and some western cartoons. My bro got into a load of crap recently so he's banned from most stuff cept watching TV and reading
So we end up watching Yu-Gi-Oh on the laptop hooked up to the TV
Reminds me of good times when I was a kid so yeah....... nostalgia