this is called cross-contamination, which means its made in the same facility as other food that isnt vegan (like idk some other weirdass oreos that arent the original?). however, oreos themselves arent made with anything that isnt vegan, theres no milk in the recipe for oreos, its that they can be possibly contaminated, because its the same facility. just read the box, its right there. like if ure allegic to nuts for example, if u read the boxes, on a whole lot of stuff it says that they might be contaminated with a tiny amount of NUT, but the food itself isnt made with nuts, so its for u to decide whether u eat it or not, but such tiny amounts never trigger an allergic reaction. there isnt one rule for being vegan, i believe that the cross-contamination is not a big deal, others do not. i say oreos are vegan, i say oreos are dairy-free. what is a greater sin that u should scold me for is the fact that they contain palm oil
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get well soon ig..
im awsm
but im like so over them u know, in many places theyre the only vegan cookies available, ive already had too much
long time
how u doin?