All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 137.8
Mean Score:
- Watching2
- Completed258
- On-Hold12
- Dropped13
- Plan to Watch202
- Total Entries487
- Rewatched15
- Episodes8,356
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 33.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries37
- Reread9
- Chapters3,052
- Volumes119
All Comments (2002) Comments
How about you? I see since you're on in 2021, you've been laying off those windex bottles huh? Or at least recovered once again
I was pretty busy the last 2 years so I was really only using mal to update anime, but now I'm back into card making and GFX again lol. And of course still running a club
Not yet. We've been saving up to go a really big trip to Osaka and Kyoto sometime in 2019.
Oh neat. What are you getting a masters in?