All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 40.2
Mean Score:
- Watching15
- Completed179
- On-Hold11
- Dropped12
- Plan to Watch393
- Total Entries610
- Rewatched0
- Episodes2,592
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 45.8
Mean Score:
- Reading34
- Completed127
- On-Hold10
- Dropped5
- Plan to Read1,138
- Total Entries1,314
- Reread0
- Chapters6,781
- Volumes797
All Comments (53) Comments
Anyways, just wanted to say hi and wish you well!
The time periods I'm most interested in are Medieval warfare and the whole rise and fall of the Roman empire era, really enthralling stuff to learn about in my opinion. I'm about to check out the Chainsaw Man anime right now! I've heard a lot of good things about it and I'm pretty excited to see it animated.
I hope you've been doing well and life has been treating you kindly. Again, sorry for the extra late response, sometimes I get a little too into video games lol.
Thanks! I spent it with my family and we ate cake. It was a really good day. I was dreading the whole "this is the last year of my twenties" thing but I finally stopped caring lol. Here's hoping that as I age further I can also stop worrying about the unnecessary things (like age) myself!
I think you'll enjoy Rose of Versailles, it would make for a good thesis in my opinion. I like a little bit of everything when it comes to lit. I love American horror classics from authors like Poe and Lovecraft. Other writers I enjoy include Charles Bukowski, William Burroughs, and Kurt Vonnegut. Science Fiction is probably my most read genre, like Isaac Asimov and Phillip K. Dick. Oh and I enjoy some nonfiction stuff, especially wartime memoirs.
I turn 29 years old today. I feel old lol. My time is becoming more and more precious to me as the years go by. I'm wary of wasting it, you know? But I'm happy. I've been exploring old interests like literature recently and it is rewarding to complete a good book. As far as anime goes I've been on a little bit of a Osamu Dezaki kick. I love his work. Ashita no Joe, Rose of Versailles and Treasure Island were wonderful experiences.
I'm a couple chapters behind on Chainsaw Man at the moment, I've allowed that to happen on purpose so I can read it in 2 to 3 chapter bursts. Fujimoto definitely makes things interesting, that's for sure!
I've never been to an anime convention but when I was a kid my grandmother brought me along to various business conventions and tech expos in downtown Atlanta. Sometimes they were interesting, most of the time kind of boring but I did meet a lot of other kids my age who were also being strung along with their parents/grandparents lol. I live in a relatively rural area so there aren't many conventions near me. The ones that are close are pretty much 100% western comic focused (like Superman and Batman). I do like some of those stories too but not enough to buy a ticket and travel.
Glad I'm not the only one with a backlog completion issue lol. I'm trying to focus up and finish my oldest on-hold shows, and if I do happen to start a new one I try to stick with it until I complete at least one season before moving on. For the longest time I was trying to curate my own "late-night anime block" like a personalized Adult Swim, but for me that only works with episodic series. I guess as long as you're enjoying the experience it doesn't really matter.
Yeah! That's pretty much exactly how I felt about Denji's return myself. I'm glad he's back. I'm curious to see how he's changed between part 1 and 2.
Same here sort-of, I'm reading more on-going series now than I ever have before. I've found that having multiple chapters to look forward to each week makes the wait easier lol. There are a lot of interesting new manga being published all the time and my backlog just keeps growing and growing. It doesn't help that I keep finding old manga to add to the pile as well, but I'd rather have a huge backlog than nothing to read at all!
Yeah! Chapter 102 was a really fun one! I busted out laughing at Asa's backstory of always tripping at the worst possible moment. Well, until the part where it gets her mother killed, then I kind of felt bad lol. I think I know what you mean with how Denji "returns" in the story. I was expecting something a bit different. After all that's happened to him during the first part of the manga I thought his meeting with Asa would be more somber? The action was cool and all but that's stuff we're used to seeing at this point. With Denji back in the mix, I am excited to see how he interacts with Asa in future chapters.
I'm glad you're safe. You're right though, you never know with people.
I finally got around to reading Tatsuki Fujimoto's Fire Punch and I really enjoyed it. Homunculus was another notable recent read for me (it even earned a spot on my favorites). Oh, and I caught up on Kaijuu no.8's latest chapter and I'm excited to see what unfolds in Chainsaw Man's continuation! Recently I've found myself gravitating more towards manga than anime. It's a nice change of pace.
I'm sorry to hear you're close to the conflict in Ukraine, I sincerely hope you and your loved ones are able to stay safe... Totally understand about not being able to focus on making videos.
As always it's good to hear from you again as well and I hope life is treating you kindly! :)
So you entered a translating competition, huh? That sounds really cool! How did you do? Were you translating manga or subbing anime? I think that's awesome. Do you still make youtube videos?
Personally I'm in a really good place now and I hope you can say the same!
Anyhow, I just wanted to say hello. I hope you are doing well!
Yes sorry, I didn't mean to imply that translators like yourself solely do it for profit alone. Doing it for fun is enough of a reason and I'm sure there's great achievement felt after completing your work. As someone who relies on translated scans, I'm thankful for the effort. For machine translations, I assume there's double work for proofreading and post-editing department. I also think they'd be more selective of works to translate that do not contain much language/dialect variations.
I've really been curious about KazeKi that I'd blindly look through random chapters at times. I don't mind the spoilers, there's very little context to go by to even understand anyway. But that's besides the point, I've seen some translators doing commissions to translate lost pages and probably the raw pages left. Is there hope that someone would actually complete the translations for the manga? By the way, it's pretty cool that you can read Japanese. That's a huge advantage for you.
Great philosophy you have there, I share the same view of thinking. Don't give them the attention. As for Patalliro, not yet. I used to watch the series on YouTube because there's an entire playlist for it, but apparently it got struck down. I can watch it somewhere else, but you'll know when I resume it again. Maybe I'd come back here to give notice or ask you questions, probably. I don't think I could interpret that any other than a compliment, so yes I'm glad to know you thought so too.
That's understandable, scanlation is no easy task. Usually it's advised for voluntary groups; assuming you translate on your own, then it must be far more exhausting. I've heard of machine translation too, though I assume it compromises dialect accuracy. But that's besides the point, there really should be profit in something that requires time and effort. Well despite being a classic, it still is a product of it's time after all. With so many new titles to translate, I suppose the priorities are held elsewhere. I'm not sure until what chapter was translated, but maybe it's still worth hundreds of raw pages left. Good point, so it's a matter of context and perspective.
I plan to restart Patalliro! from the top, I'm a bit bothered I left it for almost a month so I probably forgot a few details. But yeah, I get the sense the show doesn't take itself seriously... partly in favor of its exaggerated comedy, so I don't remember being upset. To be honest, I'm not very sensitive over views that border problematic or just moral ambiguity in general. Unless of course it's straight out offensive then I will react, otherwise I don't really have concerns. I'll look more into this bit during my rewatch though.
Oh wow thanks, that's pretty descriptive. I suppose I'm just very careful with my selection and I do have specific interest, which btw does include the 80s, very nice. Maybe I'm just destined for the classics or the niche corner, likely with you there as well lol.
Yeah I looked up the manga after I've watched the OVA, but I didn't intend to read- just skimmed. I heard the later chapters weren't translated, so it just kinda stopped midway. I do hope someone decides to pick it up one day. Fair point, either people didn't like the genre or the execution of sadomasochism was heavy-handed; sort of like romanticized. But I beg to differ, although I haven't read the manga I did read up the explanation for why Gilbert behaved the way he did, so I guess it's a matter of context.
I'm still watching Patalliro, but paused at some point because I got hooked into reading manga. The humor is definitely weird, almost like an acquired taste, but it worked on both of us apparently so. I didn't think Bancoran would be a pedo though, but to be fair I haven't gone far off the series. Did they say why? But so far, I enjoyed it a lot and I plan to continue it soon. I appreciate you just as much, really nice meeting you.
THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT, When I say to people that both my favourite anime and manga are shounen ai (especially when I say it to males) They say: "eEEeH, It's just because of the gAy fAnSeRvIcE". GO WATCH IT DUMBASS AAAA, THE FACT THAT IT IS GAY IS ONLY A BONUS, THE STORY IS BEAUTIFUL AKKSSK
And then there's me that doesn't judge if a male's favourite anime is an Ecchi😑😒 RETARDED PLEASE EVOLVE