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Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia - Initium Iter
May 15, 2020 6:59 AM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 34.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries74
- Reread0
- Chapters6,270
- Volumes517
All Comments (76) Comments
where u been??? ((:
what now??? O_o
the last airbender
and all i can say is..
Hmm generally for Wii shops they're in like semi-large electronic department stores with lots of floors not the legitimate ones though the ones that sell pirated DVD's and the like most of the time are usually the ones I think =O
LOL it's a Chinese conspiracy no doubt they have blocked all forms of communication now it's r@pe time >=D ... i mean *cough* anyways *cough*
Lmao xD that was like my days in China too never a day without Yumcha @_@ it became a norm and yeah love cheap stuff <3 lmao climbing up flights of stairs is good for you xD
Oh clothes me too I went shopping on boxing day but even with discounts some brands are just crazy expensive @_@ omg get wii games and vinnie has got Muramasa for us =D although he spent a few hours doing it but hats off to him xD, omg thanks a lot ^_^ lmao yeah get super pro rubber and pwn some noobs (that excludes Will =/)
ha ha now that you said that makes me want to read it it's right next to me on the shelf and my auntie has the whole collection so I guess I don't really have any reason not to @_@
Yeah wasn't bad got to see a lot of the family and yeah ... xD lmao was carols by candlelight any good?
So ... enlighten me as to your endeavors or should I say misadventures in China xD give me a step by step journal =P
omg tonight O_O well I guess when I'm sending this message you're well on your way to China, maybe if there's internet you can receive this message ;D
Ha ha yeah you too man hope you have fun celebrating Christmas and New years at China =]
Hmm anything I want =O, well if you ever see a Logitech G9 gaming mouse depending on the price I wouldn't mind that =P I'd pay you straight away of course lolol xD but yeah if you ever see it in China then that would be nice :3
p.s. make sure it's real ... xD
anywayz have fun in China man and get yourself a pro tt bat =P
Yeah it was a sweet movie, learn to play the piano parts of it because they freaking rock O_O! Especially the scene in the rain between Shiki and Mikiya piano was so good! Learn it plz =P
omg Kara no kyoukai 7 is out! I got it but it's massive @_@ 2 gbs!