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Dragon Ball Daima
Dragon Ball Daima
Mar 5, 7:22 AM
Watching 6/20 · Scored -
Beastars Final Season Part 2
Beastars Final Season Part 2
Mar 2, 10:39 AM
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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 3
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 3
Feb 26, 11:55 AM
Completed 11/11 · Scored 7
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Mato Seihei no Slave
Mato Seihei no Slave
Sep 23, 2023 9:18 AM
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Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru - Episode 8: Twilight of the Golden Witch
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru - Episode 8: Twilight of the Golden Witch
Jul 24, 2021 12:01 PM
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Jumyou wo Kaitotte Moratta. Ichinen ni Tsuki, Ichimanen de.
Jumyou wo Kaitotte Moratta. Ichinen ni Tsuki, Ichimanen de.
Jul 24, 2021 12:01 PM
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Sobliv Sep 2, 2024 4:36 AM
Mich würd mal tierisch deine Meinung zu den SAO Progressive-Filmen interessieren ^^
SlimShadi Oct 26, 2023 6:19 PM
Yea its been a while. The emotional and serious parts of Gintama are really the strong parts in this series despite it being more known for its comedy. The comedy can be a hit or miss for me as well. I guess that just comes with the cultural differences in comedy. I don't think I was truly sold on this series until the Yoshiwara flames arc (139-146). After that arc I knew I was gonna see it through to the end. I watched the Final movie for Gintama at the beginning of this year and it really was a good send off for the series.
SlimShadi Oct 23, 2023 9:52 PM
What are your thoughts on Gintama so far?
SlimShadi Aug 4, 2021 12:43 PM
Yea I really enjoyed 86 and one of my favorite parts is actually the soundtrack made my Sawano Hiroyuki. He is always making bangers and I've had this song on replay lately I'm also looking forward to season 2 which should be coming pretty soon in October so I'm excited to see what happened with Shin and what the Major is gonna do now in the front lines.
SlimShadi Jul 3, 2021 6:14 PM
I felt the same way with it being kind of on the longer side but I gave in because this series does get a lot of praise and is a classic. So far I've been enjoying it and the pacing is pretty good as well. The boxing fight last anywhere between 1-3 episodes so its not drawn out much at all. Also, the episodes tend to fly by quickly but all in all, it's a great series so far. However, I am intrigued a bit about how the manga for Ippo manages to have 1300+ chapters and is still on going. It makes me wonder how the series can go on for this long without being repetitive but I guess I have to watch a bit more to see if it ever gets to the point of being repetitive but so far it hasn't.
SlimShadi Jun 28, 2021 12:46 PM
It was a decent anime and I liked the blend with the music and the action. It's not an anime I believe will stick with me for a while but it was fun while it lasted. Also, I felt like throughout the anime, some of the actions they were trying to change throughout history confused me because it felt like it was counterintuitive to their goal or maybe I just missed something.

I haven't heard anything from 86 but since its only 11 episodes I'll give it a shot maybe after Ippo.
lilmysticx3 Feb 6, 2021 3:26 PM
Ahh gotcha that's understandable, epic mafia is fun with more friends. It would be cool to play something similar with a group together ahahs.

Lols I'm the same x] There's so many anime I wanted to watch at the same time. I still need to finish God of High School, the anime feels so rushed mid way! But atm I'm watching the final season of Attack on Titan, Reincarnation as a Slime season 2 and Jujutsu Kaisen. Jujutsu is really good, it gives me Soul Eater x Tokyo Ghoul x Demon Slayer x Naruto vibes if you're into any of those.

Yeah, you have a point. I was at that stage too >w< Luckily I found my darling (or he found me really). It's good that you're happy with yourself though as that's one step forward so I'm sure the right one will come to you eventually! ^w^

Thank you! <3 Hopefully if everything works out then by the end of this year! If not then we'll have to delay it till next year TTwTT Either way, I'm just happy to know he's excited about the marriage as I am. Keke I know, I feel the same! You're like a long lost close buddy/sibling. I'm really glad I found you again & to hear that you've been well! :D
lilmysticx3 Jan 19, 2021 11:24 PM
Ahahs I was actually on epicmafia that day to see if anyone still played. You and a few other buddies weren't active anymore =< Luckily your account name is still the same so I found you through MAL!

Thanks for remembering me~ Even though I think you carried the game most of the time lols.

Oohhh that's awesome, I'm glad life is going good for you! Which anime have you been watching lately? & I've been good, working at a childcare centre as the admin for the past 2 years & it's great to see all the babies each day keke. I tried to play a few rounds of epicmafia but I don't remember how to play it much lol. I've been playing Town of Salem and Among Us instead. Have you played?

Ah tbh, I don't talk to him anymore since we lost contact ahahs.

Ahh gotcha! You're still young, take your time~ I'm not married yet due to covid but I'm engaged to my current bf ^w^ If we do anything virtual I'll invite you so remember to invite me too when you find your special someone okies dokies?
SlimShadi Jan 19, 2021 11:11 PM
Yea there is definitely something about Naruto that makes it very addicting to watch and I feel many people who don't even watch Naruto try to discredit it by saying its for kids like you said. But once you get into it there is no stopping. As for Shippuuden, the Pain arc is definitely where the show peaks. The final arc which comes after is really long and drawn out at certain points however there are many epic moments. However, for ever epic moment there are face palm moments and things that I really did not like where the series was going. I liked part 1 of Naruto but as a whole compared to Shippuuden because it actually felt like an anime about ninjas where there is more strategy and thought involved with its fights where as shippuuden feels more like dragon ball z with giving characters broken abilities and making them stupidly strong to the point where "ninja" strategies and technique feel irrelevant and it is whoever is stronger or has hacks abilities wins. Overall, I still love shippuuden but it's just things I had in mind and I wish things could have stayed true to its roots.
lilmysticx3 Jan 16, 2021 1:49 AM
Yeah it's me! It's nice to see you again Nevv. How have you been? Did you get married? ^w^
SlimShadi Jan 13, 2021 9:45 PM
How's the Naruto rewatch coming along? I kind of have the urge to rewatch it myself without all the filler.
SlimShadi Dec 28, 2020 1:12 PM
Thanks good to hear and I hope you had a great holiday. And that is true, there have been many anime for me that have lasting impacts on my life and helped me realize things about myself. And with Rurouni Kenshin it is pretty amazing even though I am watching it at a snail's pace for the last few months. Granted, there is quite a bit of filler but other than that, the canon story really blows me away with its brutality and epic fights that you don't really see on this level for shonen typically. Especially episode 30 which has one of the best fight scenes I have ever seen. I am excited to see the OVAs because although its great now, people have been saying the OVAs are even better so I'm excited for that. So I would definitely recommend this anime.
SlimShadi Dec 19, 2020 1:00 AM
I've been alright even with this pandemic and hectic school. How have you been? And yea Your lie in April was too depressing and I don't do well with those types of shows because I don't like getting sad and depressed lol. Looks like you enjoyed it a lot. "I want to Eat you Pancreas" is a movie similar to Your lie in April if you want another dose of depression lol.
SlimShadi Apr 29, 2020 1:22 AM
Yea I'm already loving this show by the first few episodes and it is one of those shows that really makes me want to keep watching nonstop. However, school is kind of hectic so I'm forcing myself to focus on studying until the semester is over before I get back into watching it. GTO has always been a show I wanted to get into because I hear a lot of great things about it and so far the show delivers so I can't wait what else there is in store.

And I have heard that the anime has an original ending so after watching I will definitely make sure to read the manga. There is also the prequel that I feel like doesn't get much attention
So I'll be sure to check this one out as well because so far in the anime they are making a lot of references to Onizuka's younger days and I really want to explore more of that as well.
SlimShadi Mar 5, 2020 9:51 PM
If you are liking it now then it is a very good sign of things to come. Yes, Gintama does start slow and plot is essentially nonexistent early on however, eventually you will get snippits of the potential of this show once you see some serious arc. Although Gintama is primarily a comedic anime, I feel where it truly excels is when it finally delves into its plot and seriousness. The first Benizakura arc is pretty decent however, if you end up getting to the Yoshiwara arc it cranks it up to another level. For me the absolute best part of the series starts at exactly episode 300 from there will begin the greatest stretch of episodes I have ever seen in anime. Now obviously, there is quite a lot of good stuff that goes on before episode 300 but if you end up getting to that part you will understand lol.

This is kind of why it is kind of difficult for me to recommend some of my friends to watch Gintama because it is so long and it does take a bit to get going. But it does become extremely rewarding the more you watch it. So yeah, definitely let me know once you see the Benizakura arc to let me know your first impressions on some of the seriousness of Gintama.
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