And oh, I am surprised you havent found a nice japanese girl for yourself :O
I just noticed your website. You should incorporate your blog and your main site with the same theme. And I forgot you are a fellow computer scientist. I was thinking about focusing on web programming but that is #2 on my list. #1 is game development currently.
Unsure, I have not been following the anime scene in awhile. Fate/Zero is okay but I want something unique like Madoka Magica. Perhaps Girls' Work will satisfy that. My favorite anime this/last season was Chihayafuru hands down.
Fantastic. School is a little difficult but I am hanging in there. Found the love of my life and I am pretty much overall very happy. I am planning to head to Japan for vacation someday... xD
Ah yes, sorry, I've been putting that off again. One small thing I thought about plane tickets is that preferably we would get some seats together so maybe we should all book at the same time? I'll be on skype more in the coming days. Most annoyingly, I've yet to hear from the Portugese guy about his plane to Heathrow.
All Comments (65) Comments
Glad you are having lots of fun in Japan!
I just noticed your website. You should incorporate your blog and your main site with the same theme. And I forgot you are a fellow computer scientist. I was thinking about focusing on web programming but that is #2 on my list. #1 is game development currently.
I don't care if it's bad and the acting is wooden, freaking MARIMITE!