Anime Stats
Days: 20.5
Mean Score:
- Watching12
- Completed60
- On-Hold24
- Dropped17
- Plan to Watch147
- Total Entries260
- Rewatched14
- Episodes1,227
Last Anime Updates
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Manga Stats
Days: 5.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries32
- Reread5
- Chapters510
- Volumes87
Last Manga Updates
Access to this list has been restricted by the owner.
All Comments (11) Comments
No one likes that dude
But everything finally comes to an end even life itself.
That's the sad truth about this world :(
You just gotta accept that and move on or you might miss some good things in life by only thinking about the past
Nothing lasts for all eternity >.<
Is that supposed to be a joke? lol
I have never tried whiskey or any other alcoholic beverages xD
Anyway, I'll be sure to watch it :p
Though I've heard that the ending is pretty sad :(
Good to know xD
Though I haven't watched Elfenlied.
I guess I'll give it a try after sometime. I've heard that it's a pretty good anime :)
Or are you just too lazy to add anime on your list?
Ahhh thank you!, I really need to improve my page its just a block of text atm *sigh*
P.S Great 'about me' section with Kanade :3