Handle-name: Code_Nemesis
Age: 20
Occupation: N/A, currently 3rd year college BSCE
Nationality: Filipino
Fetishes: Lolis, Wedding Dress, Bikini, Mature Sadist Ladies, Lingerie
Love Live! School idol festival, Elsword (PH server only), Pizza (Hawaiian, Italian, etc.), Bloody Mary (Vodka + Tomato juice), DOTA 2, Colors Red and Black, GIMP 2, Dogs, Panzerschreck, Tanks, Tokisaki Kurumi-sama, Drama, Romance, Music (my dear friend), Mikoto Misaka .44 cal Intervention sniper, Yuki Nagato, Pasta (red or white sauce), Fried Chicken, Heineken Beer, Anime & Manga (Of course!), Nasod Queen Eve (Elsword), Elesis (Elsword), Doom (DOTA 2), sum anime/manga weirdtai, The Captain
Wannabe Purists, Pork (just the fat), NTR
Thanks for stopping by~
Check me out more:
Meh fuhk it, who cares.
I should be the one on the bath tub.
I can't tell you my real name for security purposes
but here's my..
Handle-name: Code_Nemesis (old handle-name: Code_Empress)
First of all, pardon my bad english. I can manage to make minimal errors regarding grammars and typos, so please bear with me.
Joined around March 2010 to track down every anime and manga I watch/read. I've watched so many animes and read so many mangas to the point where sometimes I forgot about them resulting to not be included on both of my lists. And also, I'm a bit of a lazy bastard to include them that's why. :>
20 years old. I'm a bit of a shut-in/loner and introverted guy that's why I'm not really good at socializing with people. I'm trying to fix that problem by visiting sites, chat rooms and forums. Then I've met many wonderful and interesting people on the internet. I do hope that I can change myself completely free from my loner personality.
The first anime I've watched when I was a kid, if I recall correctly, was Cardcaptor Sakura. I was so hooked up with, not to Sakura, but to her friend Tomoyo. Then time comes when I fell in love with her. I MEAN BEING IN LOVE WITH A 2D girl. You can laugh all you want. I can't help it cuz kids have bigger imagination. You got a problem with that, chomp? >:)) Then years have passed, I came to love watching anime. It's always on my daily routine, up until now, to watch at least one or two anime, cuz if I ain't do that my alter-ego will probably take over and I don't want that.
I'm not a hardcore otaku. Why is that? I can only afford to buy one, I mean, ONLY ONE Nagato Yuki Nendroid via J-List via air mail. I have only a few original copies of anime shows (ie. Black Lagoon, Maoyu Maou Yusha, etc.) and the rest of them were rip-offs from internet. I can't even get my hands on a single original copy of a manga cuz I can't find any store here that sell those. Plus I don't do part-time jobs anymore due to health issues, so I'm pretty much broke. :((
I'm an avid gamer, prefer MMORPG, FPS and Fighting games. I like playing DOTA2, Elsword, Call of Duty, Battlefield and many more. Sometimes, I spend more time playing in weekends than watching animes, but I've been minimizing my gaming time cuz it's always distracting me from school studies.
If you're looking for my favorite animes, mangas, characters and seiyuus....
<-----------------------------------------------------------It's here. I've seen so many profiles, read their bibliography that includes putting pictures/links to their favorite animes, mangas, characters and seiyuus. I mean, what's the point on the left side anyway? Come on.
There's nothing left for me to say, so that's it. Thanks for reading my 'About Me' section and for stopping by at my profile. <3
Hello everyone!! How is the Summer going? ^^
We are glad to announce the opening of sign-ups for the joint Magi Summer Event of a collaboration between Mafia Society and 20+ !
And as you can guess, we want to invite you all to join us! Magi Summer Event will start on the 1st of July and will end on the 31st of the same month.
This is the 2nd Summer Event for Mafia Society and the 1st for 20+! The Magi Summer Event will take place in a seperate club for all participants and we will be invited to a Skype group and Discord's room during the duration of the Event. There you will be able both to participate in Event's games and chat with others :)
What are we going to do?
We are going to have such events: Town of Salem
Anime Watch Challenge
Pokemon Showdown
Truth or Dare
The Resistance Online
Cards Against Humanity
Magi Mafia
Vocaloid Mafia
Simultaneous Watch
Each of you will belong to one of the teams and by participating in events you will be able to collect points for yourself and your team! Enjoy games, gain points and change them to prizes in the Prize Shop!
In adition we will have a special Magi Characters Card Edition! And more! Everyone will get their team badges to keep memories of this up-coming Magi Summer Event!
Very Important News!
Ok I want you all to take a deep breathe~ 1, 2, 3 *inhale* 3, 2, 1 *exhale*
The club is going to change their name! Yes, it will be quite unfortunate BUT!
we hope you guys won't leave just cause we've changed our name D: We'll still
be having the same concept and providing you with many card editions from here
and there. Alongside our Loyalty Card system. There's not a real reason to change
the name but just wanted a mystical if this is even the right word for it.. feel~
Continue to keep a look out of the club for new stuff coming your way ヽ(^Д^)ノ
It's still open huh? (ಠ_ಠ)
Well believe it or not, it is because we always want members like YOU to
help our club whenever we needed. We've also added additional jobs to the
application. Jump right here to find what you're interested in and apply.
Don't be shy, be fly \(^o^)/ That.. made completely no sense at all but hey, I
wrote this newsletter very late so don't blame me for writing weird shenanigans (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Breaking News: Auntie Shey have retired from the Bingo Event?? NOOOOOOO (*´Д`)
Please give her a huge thanks for helping and managing the BINGO Event for you guys~
Exciting News: We are going to CONTINUE the BINGO Event as long as more than 10 people
are participating! If you LOOOOOOVE cards, join the fun and see if you're lucky enough to win
and be able to give us a card edition and be able to request ALL those cards that are made in
that winner's edition.
Without further ado:
Congratulations to Ascheherz for winning last month's bingo!
Not to forget 2nd to 4th place goes to:
2nd Place - Hime-sama
3rd Place - EvianBubble
4th Place - Haruchan-
Want to be the new winner? Come play with us and snatch that 1st placer ┌(☆o★)┘
Follow this thread to sign up monthly~
Anime Challenge: Highest Score
Another Breaking News?! ಠ▃ಠ
Indeed.. I decided to want to close the Anime Challenge.. for several reasons.. even
if they're not a good reason, I'm honestly really happy that some of you joined the club
just for watching anime on other people's list ^^ We'll take a break from the anime
challenge and will be planning for extra events to make up for the loss. Don't go away
just yet cause you'll be missing quite a few thrillers~ The youtube video has nothing related to the upcoming events...
again.. it's late and I'm supposed to be sleeping ;_;
Card Editions && Claims
Pokemon Collector Edition is still ongoing?! ఠ_ఠ
For the time being, yes. It will end when 53 pokemons have been out in the field.
There's just too many pokemons out there to do so I'll need a break from it </3
Those that have been collecting them, you will be receiving a certificate. It may
come in handy, who knows.
What's coming next month?
Kamisama Hajimemashita Limited Edition
Aura Kingdom Rare Edition
Fire Emblem Rare Edition
Sci-Fi Limited Edition
Staff Favorite Manga Rare Edition
Club Comments
Making a thread seems kind of pointless so I'll want to liven up the club comments with
the following: (Let us know your thoughts. Share your ideas.)
• General Topics for members to discussed about
• Games: Fresh ideas that haven't been done in order clubs or what you think most people would enjoy playing.
• Events: Something like what we've had in the past like Bingo & Anime Challenge
• Cards & Claim themes are most welcomed
Do not be afraid to be the first to post.
Blog Entries
Seriously guys.. Is Blog Entry the new trend around here? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Can't stress this enough that we understand you would like to separate comments &
blog entries for deliveries or if you disabled everything but I beg of you to at least clean
them. We don't have the right to tell you how to run your blogs BUT it's really
troublesome for people that deliver. It's best if you just save your cards and delete the
deliveries from existence or a new blog entry if you want to keep them.
Putting this out there as I've mentioned in the club comments before, I do not want
to see people copying off each other's work UNLESS you got permission. (╬ಠ益ಠ)
It's unpleasant to see others copying and pasting or trying to replicate the same
content. As much as I want to ignore this, it just keeps happening and people
do notice the comparison. I'm saying this nicely but please just stop it already.
Newsletter Option
• Re-made the newsletter thread so if you would
like to receive these awesome lame newsletters from me, don't forget to subscribe!
• If you wished to unsubscribe anytime, message Dear_Clouds_Bot
and he will removed you from the list.
Visit us often & don't forget to take care of yourselves.
Good luck to those that are taking examinations and for
everyone else that's not studying hardcore, have a wonderful
day and enjoy the fresh air~
- DC Staff
Hello! I hope everyone is having a great day and are
doing well in your exams if you have any. February is the month of love
as Valentine's will be falling upon us on the 14th. To celebrate
Valentine's Mafia Society is back with our 2nd Valentine's Event!
It will start on the 6th and end on the 14th. We have a ton of games
planned for you all to participate in, where you can play and earn points to
win prizes. You can find what these games are and their thread below.
The top 5 point holders will win a movie date over skype or rabb.it
with any staff member! Hope to see you there :)
Happy New Years everyone! I hope you had a great year! If not oh well I don't care. Anyway, as you can see, this newsletter is from Chibis!! I'm trying to make this club active again. I've started by giving the club a new look, and I'm editing all the threads to make them look nicer. The first semester of school is always the busiest, so I'm going to make time so I can help my club. I hope you guys can help this club become active again too! That will be much appreciated (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
Enough of that, now onto more important matters. Most of our staff is busy and yeah yeah yeah we need your help, blah blah blah ╮(─▽─)╭. I'm sure you heard this a million times from other clubs, but seriously, only like four of us is active. You can sign up hereif you are interested. No pressure. For some quick access to some of the staff links, here are some: Staff Chat Card Information Delivery Thread Staff Badges Since this club is one of those generic card clubs, then obviously, there are some (well, actually only one edition is open) editions open! Right now theHappy New Years 2015 holiday editionis open. There will be more editions to come, so keep your eyes open! (╯⊙ ⊱⊙╰ ) If you want to suggest some ideas for card editions (or some other things like events) then you can speak uphere. Speaking of events, I am going to experiment on some things ヾ(。・ω・)シ. I'm thinking of creating something like money and you have to buy things, with some special events, or like a festival of some sort. I'm also going to reopen the Chibi of the Month thread. I'm going to create a birthday thread too.
Thank you for reading. I know this newsletter is pretty long, but the spoiler button was not cooperating with me. I ask for your understanding ≦(._.)≧. To get the monthly newsletter, sign uphere.
What's this? It's a super awesome special newsletter delivery just for members of Mafia Society :)
Hope you're all having a [u]lovely December[/u] so far, Christmas is coming upon us and we at Mafia
Society are celebrating Christmas together with a [u]12 Days of Christmas Event![/u] We've got plenty of
games for you all to participate in and badges and prizes for you to earn. Below we have links to
the main event thread that gives you all the details of the event and links to all the games and
other activities. The event will be starting on the 15th of December, hope to see you there ^~^
Colorful Shining Stars Club
Colorful Shining Stars Club will be shut down at the end of September.
It was a nice start on reviving this club and it's sad to say that I'll have to retire
for now. Perhaps until next summer or when the creator is back,
this club could be up and running again, along with our collab partner, Hartwell: MAL School of Enchantment.
I want to thank each and every one of you for joining this club, it really means a lot to us.
It's been nice working with everyone and I hope yall have a great day. Sayonara, until next time.
- CSSC Staff
Hartwell: MAL School of Enchantment
Hartwell: School of Enchantment will be shut down at the end of September.
It was a nice start on reviving this club and it's sad to say that I'll have to retire
for now. Perhaps until next summer or when the creator is back,
this club could be up and running again, along with our collab partner, Colorful Shining Stars Club.
I want to thank each and every one of you for joining this club, it really means a lot to us.
The next time you see HMSE, we will be starting from scratch and hope that everyone will support us and give us strength.
It's been nice working with everyone and I hope yall have a great day. Sayonara, until next time.
- HMSE Staff
[b]☆Cute/Cool People☆ Newsletter: First Edition
Ah, hello. This is the first edition of the Cute/Cool people newsletter. To counter the significant amount of inactivity we have (despite having 200+ members at the moment), we have made a few changes to the club these past two-three months, including more opportunities to do stuff here at the club.
First and foremost, we added a welcoming thread so new members can introduce themselves and meet new friends. The link to the thread can be found here. ^_^
Secondly, we added the chance for affiliation. Anyone who wants to affiliate can request in the club comments or PM an affiliation moderator. Thirdly, more game and misc threads have been opened, and more are (hopefully) on the horizon. If you would like to see the open game and misc threads, check the club description, the threads, or here in the newsletter.
Lastly, and this a big change, we are NOW HIRING. The club has opened a staff recruitment thread so we can get more activity and more available stuff and cards going. There are many spots open at the moment, so if you are interested, please sign up here. TO ALL CURRENT STAFF: A Staff Room will be open soon. Link to it is here.
It is important to know that the changes do NOT apply for the members who already have the Master Loyalty Card.
The reason why we decided to do these modifications is simply because the number of editions we used to have was a lot lower so getting to the Master Card was more of a challenge.
Nowadays, we have a minimum of 15 editions per month so getting to the Master Card is quite fast and it was not what Mio intended when she first started with this.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Nikki, Dark, Olivia or Vienna.
Thank You!
Hey guys! How’s it going? Some messages from the Chibis!! Club. (feel free to ignore this if you want to)
First things first, these messages will not be for everyone. But never fear! If you do want to be updated about the club in the near future, all you need to do is sign-up in the newsletter sign-up. Just like this message, newsletters will hold important messages about card editions, events and activities!
Alright! 200+ SE! We reached 200 members recently and to celebrate the card makers made some awesome cards for us. If you would like to check them out and order some, you can do that, here! Order them quick because it’s going to close on Saturday!
If you have any suggestions and ideas you’d like to see as a card edition, you can let us know by pitching your ideas here!
Next, there are still positions open in the club! If you want to be a part of the Chibis!! Team, you can do that here!
We’re also doing Chibi of the Month! Right now, we are in the middle of nominating characters in their chibi form^^ Nominations will continue for the next few days, so get those chibis in quick!!!
All Comments (217) Comments
Main Site | Site Forum | Voting Page | Mal Club | Mal Thread
Happy New Years everyone! I hope you had a great year! If not oh well I don't care. Anyway, as you can see, this newsletter is from Chibis!! I'm trying to make this club active again. I've started by giving the club a new look, and I'm editing all the threads to make them look nicer. The first semester of school is always the busiest, so I'm going to make time so I can help my club. I hope you guys can help this club become active again too! That will be much appreciated (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
Enough of that, now onto more important matters. Most of our staff is busy and yeah yeah yeah we need your help, blah blah blah ╮(─▽─)╭. I'm sure you heard this a million times from other clubs, but seriously, only like four of us is active. You can sign up here if you are interested. No pressure. For some quick access to some of the staff links, here are some:
Staff Chat
Card Information
Delivery Thread
Staff Badges
Since this club is one of those generic card clubs, then obviously, there are some (well, actually only one edition is open) editions open! Right now the Happy New Years 2015 holiday edition is open. There will be more editions to come, so keep your eyes open! (╯⊙ ⊱⊙╰ ) If you want to suggest some ideas for card editions (or some other things like events) then you can speak up here.
Speaking of events, I am going to experiment on some things ヾ(。・ω・)シ. I'm thinking of creating something like money and you have to buy things, with some special events, or like a festival of some sort. I'm also going to reopen the Chibi of the Month thread. I'm going to create a birthday thread too.
Thank you for reading. I know this newsletter is pretty long, but the spoiler button was not cooperating with me. I ask for your understanding ≦(._.)≧. To get the monthly newsletter, sign up here.
Colorful Shining Stars Club
◆◇◆◇ S E P T E M B E R N E W S L E T T E R ◆◇◆◇
Hartwell: MAL School of Enchantment
◆◇◆◇ S E P T E M B E R N E W S L E T T E R ◆◇◆◇
[b]☆Cute/Cool People☆ Newsletter: First Edition
Ah, hello. This is the first edition of the Cute/Cool people newsletter. To counter the significant amount of inactivity we have (despite having 200+ members at the moment), we have made a few changes to the club these past two-three months, including more opportunities to do stuff here at the club.
First and foremost, we added a welcoming thread so new members can introduce themselves and meet new friends. The link to the thread can be found here. ^_^
Secondly, we added the chance for affiliation. Anyone who wants to affiliate can request in the club comments or PM an affiliation moderator. Thirdly, more game and misc threads have been opened, and more are (hopefully) on the horizon. If you would like to see the open game and misc threads, check the club description, the threads, or here in the newsletter.
Lastly, and this a big change, we are NOW HIRING. The club has opened a staff recruitment thread so we can get more activity and more available stuff and cards going. There are many spots open at the moment, so if you are interested, please sign up here. TO ALL CURRENT STAFF: A Staff Room will be open soon. Link to it is here.
[size=140]Open Game and Misc Threads:
[size=140]Open Card Editions:
Flowers Theme
Trading Cards
Members: If you would like to receive any upcoming newsletters, please sign up using this link.
This concludes edition one. Thank you for taking time to read this newsletter. ^_^
Hey guys! How’s it going? Some messages from the Chibis!! Club. (feel free to ignore this if you want to)