My name is Axel. People and myself prefer my middle name of Chris. Forget the unpronounceable last name. It's too Swedish for the liking of most. I have the cursed privilege of being a living symbol of Swedish and Chinese mixing. Swenese. People usually ask if that means I am from Swenesia. I wish there was a country like that. I don't have a country I confidently call my own anymore, the nomad lifestyle does not bode well for people who seek to belong. I belong to the third culture.
Harboring an extreme lust for obscure anime and placing it above the masse's opinion has led me to become an anime hipster. I enjoy the occasional jab, the woeful white smoke, the rizzla encased bombs, especially the tunes.
Living in London currently, will be taking up illustration after the art year in university. Sorry, illustration does not mean manga based style of drawing. White people should not be trying, thats up for the Korean and Chinese to grasp. Hey though, may be you will enjoy my style of drawing?
With love,
<3 Lucky aryan latvian girl has made me equally as lucky <3
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