Hello Internet Stalkers; I'm 25 if you must know. I feel so old just saying that. I haven't kept this much updated. So don't expect new info and just be surprised I remembered to update something on here instead. I often tend to let things like Crunchyroll tell me where I left off on something. Lazy I know, but I do still like to keep track of what I've read or watch occasionally. As far as other info on me. I read Fanfiction most often. Just because I'm an adult now doesn't mean I don't still watch anime, read manga, buy figurines or not have anime posters still on all real and social wall surfaces. If anything the money just means I can buy more. But it does mean I just don't have the time to update this because when I do my first thought is usually 'lets find more' not 'lets update my social accounts first'. So with that ENJOY the fact you even found my page.~ <3
"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant. And we definitely added to his pile of good things."- Doctor Who/11th Doctor
*Credit of my profile pic of Levy goes to
http://rboz.tumblr.com/ *

All Comments (153) Comments
The Neighbours Club is back!
Hope you will enjoy and stay there :)
Have a nice day/nigth~
If you are receiving this then you've been invited by Team Yumeji to join Anime America Club. Click on this link to go to the clubs page: http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=33815
We have tacos!! <3 No, but it is a cool place to talk about anime and have fun discussions.
If you join Anime America Club, please post in the forum called "Team Yumeji" and say "Joined"...Thanks
Pokemon, huh? Have you tried the new Pokemon Black or White 2? It's not much different from normal B&W but could be worth a shot. I'm such a fan of the Fire Red and Leaf Green games. Gold and Emerald were awesome, too.
I see you have Sword Art Online as your top show now. Is it really that good? You gave Super GALS a 10 so I'm inclined to believe you if you say it's good (he says after only watching 27 episodes of Super GALS... but I watched them all 3 times!). People seem to either love or hate SAO. I have all the latest episodes downloaded but was waiting until it finished to decide on watching it. After the smoke settles kind of situation.
Please help this club to be active by posting a comment and role play. Don't forget to invite more members.
Thank you!
Oh, I see. I've been making tons of Birthday cards, like, half of my net friends have birthdays this week.