All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 188.0
Mean Score:
- Watching12
- Completed596
- On-Hold7
- Dropped55
- Plan to Watch315
- Total Entries985
- Rewatched28
- Episodes11,412
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 159.6
Mean Score:
- Reading118
- Completed155
- On-Hold8
- Dropped28
- Plan to Read194
- Total Entries503
- Reread0
- Chapters26,010
- Volumes1,804
All Comments (38) Comments
I sent you a reply back. ;3
How are you? :)
Thanks my dear Friend! ^///^
Thank you very much for your Happy new year and Merry Christmas Greeting Name-kun! ;3
Also btw. Sorry I didn't respond earlier, I was feeling down for some time but I feel better now! ^///^
Hopefully I did the pic thing correctly lol
I haven't even heard Souya speak like he's very very mysterious. I'm very interested in him.
I like how they made Rei lose against him because of his arrogance. I was not expecting that but it was really cool.
I would love him to win against Souya but I don't think that's gonna happens :((
I just finished episode 10. Omg Rei yelling his feelings out after he beat his opponent gave me so much life but also made me so sad. It's not his fault that people give up so easily and don't fight for what they want. It didn't help that Kyouko keeps trying to get in his head before every match. I'm so glad that he was able to vent his feelings out instead of bottling it in. I love Rei so much!!