Heyoo, Welcome to my profile, This is Nalusa Falaya, I started to avidly watch anime in late 2019 with anime like Golden Time, Death Note and Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo, They were the first shows I watched when I got interested in the medium but none of them was the actual first anime I've watched, I used to watch hundreds of Detective Conan episodes in 2015-2019 and it still stands as my favorite anime ever made.
One of the biggest reasons why I made this account is to talk to new people, So if you want to send me a friend request or generally interact with me, I'll be happy to reply, Although I can be pretty bad at communication, Especially considering that my English is kinda meh.
I don't know what more to add in this bio, I'll just put my 3x3s...
(I limited it to a 3x3 just out of style, If there are more than 9 entries I favorite then I'll just say them underneath the picture)
Anime 3x3
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Made in Abyss
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
Code Geass
Detective Conan
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru
Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
Death Note
Video games 3x3
Presentable Liberty
GTA San Andreas
Doki Doki Literature Club
Persona 4 Golden
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag
Resident Evil 4
Stardew Valley
Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Minecraft: Story Mode are among my favorites as well
Western movies 3x3
1: Harry Potter series
2: The Lord of the Rings series
The Dark Knight
The Departed
Catch Me If You Can
The Shawshank Redemption
Léon: The Professional
Inside Out
My top 8 favorite characters in fiction, I like them all the same and give the work they're in an easy 10 with 0 hesitation
Delilah from Firewatch
Monika from Doki Doki Literature Club
Severus Snape from Harry Potter
Meruem from Hunter x Hunter (2011)
Komugi from Hunter x Hunter (2011)
John from Unordinary (Please read this webcomic)
Joker from The Dark Knight
L from Death Note
-I'm an INFP-T
-My favorite musician is Michael Jackson, Although I don't listen to many artists specifically, I don't know the artist behind 90% of the songs I listen to
-I watch subs
-I spend more time on Youtube than watching movies, watching anime or playing video games
-I can speak Arabic
-Nalusa Falaya is a mythical creature
-If a piece of media makes me cry, It gets a 10, without any other requirements.
I wonder what games you've been into these days...
Mainly indie ones. I recently finished this game which featured these picross-style puzzles as a major part of the gameplay, and it thankfully didn't penalize me for any mistakes (so I was able to basically skip the later, harder ones by just filling them up willy-nilly with no regard for mistakes). Earlier I had finished this game, which was mainly exploration and light platforming, but the landscapes were pretty cool. Right now, I'm playing this story driven platformer about this girl and her grandma, and after that I might play The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, which I bought a while back, but still haven't played. I also bought Fallout 4 GOTY recently, but I'll probably leave it for later as I don't feel like doing modding rn (as Bethesda games basically require in order to have better interface, gameplay e.t.c.).
What helped quite a bit with my gaming was the fact that I managed to get a new laptop with higher specs recently, as this allows me to not only play games I couldn't before (not only AAA games, but also some indie games have way high system requirements nowadays), but also be able to run programs without them taking ages to respond (with my previous pc, even right clicking on a file on the File Explorer led to a 'Not Responding' situation for a few seconds, and Word also took ages to open and also had a 'Not Responding' for a few seconds if I accidentally clicked on a word underlined in red). So now at least the programs respond properly and I don't have such slowdowns anymore - at least for now, as I'm pretty sure the way tech advances, I might need an even higher specced thing in a few years to run stuff properly.
Although older code I'd agree most likely has to do something with it as well. I feel bad for the newly hired programmers coming in to make a change or perform a certain task only to have to build on outdated code, Like if they have the same ethos of classic, old school internet applied to their backend coding, and not just their UI then it'd be very crappy news for a programmer.
The fact that MAL is able to make changes at all means that the state of the code might still be workable at least, which isn't exactly a guarantee for older sites. As an example, there's this site I buy games from sometimes, called GOG, whose main site is all modern looking and stuff but the forums have remained the same since the site was first established in 2008 (iirc). So it has an old as heck interface, real small letters (even MAL's are bigger), many features are missing and many existing ones are bugged (the search doesn't work properly for example), there are even times when the General Discussion page is inundated with spam. The reason for this, as some support staff has said to people complaining about this state of things, was iirc that the code for the forums was written by someone who left the company since and it's such a spaghetti mess that they can't touch it lest the thing implodes. At this point it would probably be better if they nuked the whole thing, but then there wouldn't be a way to save the old content on one hand, and on the other hand the forums in general are low priority for them, since only a minority uses them, so why bother using resources on them. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that at least MAL is rather better off than some other places, as the fact that changes even take place means the codebase, while old and potentially hard to work on and change, might not be that unworkable after all.
I'm sure layers probably feel more natural to the people who have been drawing over pencil sketches for their entire life, but I have never once outlined a physical sketch before drawing it, so it's quite a new concept to me, LOL. :P
Sure, I can DM them. I doubt they'd exceed MAL's character limit, given how short they are XD
Yeah, I reported them. The other mods seemed understanding at-first, I even heard from others that they actually disciplined the other mods in-question, but IDK how much of that I can disclose, but they quickly just decided I was annoying and made a server-wide rule that all reports should be filed to a bot rather than a human. Last I checked, before leaving the server, the mods never respond to any reports filed to the bot
My passion's definitely still there, although most of it right now is dedicated to other works. I'm hoping to get back to webnovels soon, though!
Yeah, Steel Ball Run was great too! I definitely think it has the best chemistry between the main JoJo and the main ally, and the supporting characters are really good too! I think JoJolion did have better fights, though. Probably the best in the series, IMO!
Still got some scars that I doubt will ever go away TBH. But other than that, kudos. Certainly better than the previous operation that I had which didn't even cure what was wrong with me at the time, LOL. XD
And if I may ask the stereotypical question that every animator/artist gets. What program do you use?
Paint.net. I've been using it for quite a few years (since before I even joined MAL), but that was usually just to touch up my art. Only really started diving into its features more at the end of last year and throughout this year. Opacity, color-blending and especially multiple background layers are kinda daunting at first for someone like me with 0% practice with digital art, but I eventually got the hang of it. (Now if only I was a better artist in general, LOL. Then my art might actually resemble the figure of a human, LMAO.)
I don't know if you're hiatus-ing due to a scarcity in free time, or more-so that there isn't a lot of stuff that interest you and really ignite that anime enthusiasm
It's moreso that I'd rather do other stuff (e.g videogaming, reading webtoons/manga e.t.c) in the free time that I do have available, as while my moods in regards to what I'd rather do in my free time change from time to time, I've been in the "not in the mood for binging (anime, but also live action) series" for a while.
the Pokemon show you mentioned which does look pretty cute tbh, especially that cross-armed, confident looking "Captain Pikachu", lol. It's nice to know that Pokemon as a franchise is still going strong after all these years tbh, it's very impressive.
Well, Pokemon is among the biggest videogaming franchises after all. And yeah, Captain Pikachu is pretty cool, and despite not being the main Pokemon of either of the 2 main protagonists (but rather the one of the professor-adjacent captain of the airship they live on), he's featured quite a bit (he's a Pikachu after all).
But isn't there some extensions that add dark mode before MAL itself added it btw? I think I heard a few people talking about that in a thread once, don't know if you ever tried it tho...
Yeah, I had tried those too, but their shade of black was iirc very similar to the one MAL ended up using, so they weren't doing it for me either. MAL's Light mode is fine for me though - if anything, it's less bright than the equivalent one of A-P (which is why I use the Dark theme over there in the first place), so in a sense A-P might have the better dark mode, but MAL has the better light mode.
I don't think they earn a lot of money to invest in something like that, but I guess that's just speculation.
I don't know about the not having enough money part, as iirc MAL is currently owned by some company (though who knows how much money they allocate to this possession of theirs) plus the whole MAL Supporter thing must net quite a bit (considering the scale of magnitude of the userbase this site, even if as few as 5% of users had MAL Supporter, that would still net quite a bit imo). If anything, I'd think that the volunteer-owned and run A-P probably has a rather smaller budget in comparison, and this despite the Patreon they have (again due to the scale of their respective userbases). And A-P hasn't been hacked in such a way in recent memory iirc (if ever), so... Personally I think it's just inertia and having difficulty changing older code without doing something as drastic as rewriting the site from scratch (something that could be logistically complicated in terms of carrying over user data and that would also cause a lot of user reactions too), so they're largely stuck with older code that might thus be more vulnerable to hacking.
Yep, I'm doing well, thanks for asking! Got some surgery recently, and I'm feeling the best that I've felt in over half a decade. :3
Oh heck yeah, didn't know you decided to improve it this year, it'd be interesting to see some of your later drawings (if you're comfortable with the idea of course, no need to share if you don't want to)
I didn't really "decide" to get better or anything. I guess it's just because I finally moved away from Microsoft Paint, LOL. :P
I'm not sure how much I can show since a lot of them are drawings of other peoples' characters that I wouldn't want to post without their permission, but I suppose I can grab a drawing I did of my and Laika's characters real quick.
I s'pose I can also get a more recent drawing of my slimegirl. :3
Hi! Hopefully your studies went well! And I'm glad to see you back, I definitely hope we can talk more this year! ^u^
Hopefully you were able to find whatever you were looking for in my novels on Scribblehub? If not, I'm intending to reupload the Two Beings prequel around Christmas this year. The rest (the short stories) are probably lost to the sands of time, but I can DM them to you or something, if you still wanna read 'em, lol
Yeah, I left Honeyfeed due to the toxic environment, especially on their Discord server, unfortunately. I also found-out that 9 specific users, 4 of whom I thought I could call acquaintances and 1 of whom was a member of Honeyfeed's staff, were spreading false and damaging rumors about me, just because they didn't like my novels, so...
I still think the website itself has the most convenient and easy-to-navigate layout of any webnovel site I've tried, but it really isn't worth dealing with the community itself, IMO
Yeah, I definitely enjoyed the manga! Part 8 is actually my favorite manga overall now, and my third-favorite JoJo part! :D
Yo! It's been a while! Hope you've been doing well! :)
LOL, I didn't even need to rethink it. I knew that I never wanted to go to college, and the only reason I even endured 3 months in that erupting volcano was because my legal guardians practically forced me to, LOL. ^^;
We'll I'm glad you like my art, LOL. Everyone is their own worst critic, I suppose. I think my art has improved a lot this year though. :P
Welcome back, and congrats on your graduation! :-)
I'm doing fine myself. Funnily enough, right now I'm again for the most part on a hiatus from anime and series and stuff (I did leave that hiatus earlier this year, but only very briefly), though I've at least been to the cinema a few times (somehow I find easier watching movies when they're at the cinema - the intermission probably does help).
The only anime I'm watching rn is this new Pokemon one, which I started because the new protagonists taking the place of Ash and the new setting and plot seemed rather interesting, and the fact that it's airing weekly means it's not too much of a time commitment on my part to watch like ~25 mins. a week; though I don't know for how long I'll keep watching it as it airs, as in standard Pokemon tradition, it sure has a lot of filler. Some summer seasonals seem pretty interesting too, but not enough for me to watch weekly (I might add them to my PTW after the season ends), but the fall lineup seems pretty stacked on the other hand, and I might watch a few of those weekly, though probably not the too plot-focused ones.
In terms of additions to the site while you were gone, I really had to stop and think about that as, partly due to my whole hiatus thing and partly due to this not being my primary site, I didn't remember very well.
At any rate, looking it up from the Announcements section of the forum to refresh my memory, the most important change has to be the addition of a dark mode (incredible, right?). The related setting is available from the Preferences/Appearance section, and I tried it a little bit, but soon went back to the Light mode as the color of the dark mode was a tad too dark for my taste (funnily enough I do use dark mode on A-P though, but iirc comparing them, the shade of black there is a tad lighter), but maybe you'll like it better than I did. Another planned change is a change to how the conversations/replies sections show up in the forum, but it's basically still in beta so only the MAL supporters can get to see the full extent of these changes so far.
And another interesting (in a sense) thing that happened earlier this year was that around early May this site got hacked, and a result ended up going down for 2-3 days iirc. I just so happened to be on the site as the hacking started taking place, shortly after which the site went down, so I saw what happened live (MAL said it themselves later in their announcement of the hack, but it's not the same as being there); in particular all anime titles were changed to "LET'S ALL LOVE LAIN" (yes, exactly like that, with capital letters) - funny thing is, I was genuinely confused the first few seconds, as I thought that an anime called "Let's Love Lain" literally existed somehow, and then wondered whether maybe it was a late April Fool's joke, because MAL does tend to change stuff on their db on that day (this year for example, they changed all the anime images to feature cats and the site's logo to MyKittyList). But it turned out to be a hack after all, done by a massive Serial Experiments Lain fanboy apparently.
I wasn't all that worried at the time however; rather, I thought the whole thing was rather funny, or even ridiculous, as I thought that the hacker was probably literally some script kiddie that was influenced a tad too much by Serial Experiments Lain, and used a technique that isn't actually that different from what the MAL staff themselves use for their April Fool's stuff (so much for the #1 in popularity anime site then). The MAL staff had to revert the database to an earlier version from before the hack, but that wasn't such a big deal for me as, due to also logging stuff on A-P - which I was obviously still able to use while MAL was down - I just mass-added that stuff to MAL afterwards. Also, the MAL staff in their announcement said that they didn't see any data breach of the user's info, but I changed my own password anyways just in case (you might want to do that too, depending on how you feel about the matter).
So yeah, that was quite something - good thing I had A-P as well - and it was probably for the better that you missed the whole thing.
NeaRetro the Ultraman professional.
Aw, I'm far from being that, especially considering how I still haven't watched another Ultraman series yet (what with the aforementioned hiatus and all). But thanks for the compliment I guess. :-)
Speaking of new features, do you have something in particular you want MAL to add? Like do you think MAL could really do with a certain addition to the website?
Well, since I'm also using Anime-Planet, and I like the interface of that site very much, my perceptions on what I'd like in an anime website are colored by the features already present there. On the other hand however, MAL turning into a clone of A-P interface-wise wouldn't do all that good, since then I'd have almost no reason to use it in addition to A-P other than the social stuff.
So I guess, assuming minimal changes are made, I'd appreciate having a bigger default font size, as while zooming in is a way of dealing with that problem, sometimes I forget to do so and end up reading those letters made for ants, which isn't good for my eyesight. A lot of people are clamoring for dark mode too btw, but I wouldn't strictly require that, as, while I do use dark mode on A-P, MAL's light mode isn't as bright as A-P's to my experience so it suits me just fine.
Something that would really benefit everyone else using this site that isn't aware of the existence of A-P and its features though would be to further develop the genres and themes thingy (the also recently added - last year iirc - equivalent to A-P's 'tags') so that people can look up using combinations of genres and themes, or excluding genres/themes e.t.c (for example search for Detective and include or exclude Sci-Fi e.t.c); this would help people to find stuff more catered to what they'd want to see instead of just seeing what has a high average score or is the latest seasonal fad or whatever. The way I see it, the fact that more obscure anime is harder to find here in comparison to A-P might even play a non-negligible part to the mentality seen a lot on this site of obsessing over seasonals and high scores and dismissing older or lower scored shows. So yeah, I'd appreciate a better implementation of the genres/themes in the search, since as it stands, it's prejudiced towards the popular and new shows in expense of everything else. Not that this feature being implemented will change these mentalities overnight, but it could perhaps at least help some people find stuff they wouldn't have otherwise.
(Sadly, couldn't find a Spirited Away new year's fanart, nor a Princess Precure one, but I found this cute Ultraman one, and thought maybe you'll like it)
Thank you for the picture. (Also you remembered about me liking Ultraman (as I think we talked about that before iirc), that was kind on your part - I wouldn't think you'd recall something like that after all those months after all (so perhaps it's also kinda impressive in a way too))
It's pretty cute indeed, and though the Ultramen in this picture are from series I haven't watched as of yet, I can thankfully recognize most of them due to having frequented the r/Ultraman subreddit enough to get acquainted with them too.
(Btw, I'm in a hiatus from anime - and watching series or movies in general - atm, but I'm thinking when I leave that hiatus to watch an Ultraman series again, since it's been a while since I last saw one.)
All Comments (474) Comments
Mainly indie ones. I recently finished this game which featured these picross-style puzzles as a major part of the gameplay, and it thankfully didn't penalize me for any mistakes (so I was able to basically skip the later, harder ones by just filling them up willy-nilly with no regard for mistakes). Earlier I had finished this game, which was mainly exploration and light platforming, but the landscapes were pretty cool. Right now, I'm playing this story driven platformer about this girl and her grandma, and after that I might play The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, which I bought a while back, but still haven't played. I also bought Fallout 4 GOTY recently, but I'll probably leave it for later as I don't feel like doing modding rn (as Bethesda games basically require in order to have better interface, gameplay e.t.c.).
What helped quite a bit with my gaming was the fact that I managed to get a new laptop with higher specs recently, as this allows me to not only play games I couldn't before (not only AAA games, but also some indie games have way high system requirements nowadays), but also be able to run programs without them taking ages to respond (with my previous pc, even right clicking on a file on the File Explorer led to a 'Not Responding' situation for a few seconds, and Word also took ages to open and also had a 'Not Responding' for a few seconds if I accidentally clicked on a word underlined in red). So now at least the programs respond properly and I don't have such slowdowns anymore - at least for now, as I'm pretty sure the way tech advances, I might need an even higher specced thing in a few years to run stuff properly.
The fact that MAL is able to make changes at all means that the state of the code might still be workable at least, which isn't exactly a guarantee for older sites. As an example, there's this site I buy games from sometimes, called GOG, whose main site is all modern looking and stuff but the forums have remained the same since the site was first established in 2008 (iirc). So it has an old as heck interface, real small letters (even MAL's are bigger), many features are missing and many existing ones are bugged (the search doesn't work properly for example), there are even times when the General Discussion page is inundated with spam. The reason for this, as some support staff has said to people complaining about this state of things, was iirc that the code for the forums was written by someone who left the company since and it's such a spaghetti mess that they can't touch it lest the thing implodes. At this point it would probably be better if they nuked the whole thing, but then there wouldn't be a way to save the old content on one hand, and on the other hand the forums in general are low priority for them, since only a minority uses them, so why bother using resources on them. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that at least MAL is rather better off than some other places, as the fact that changes even take place means the codebase, while old and potentially hard to work on and change, might not be that unworkable after all.
Yeah, I reported them. The other mods seemed understanding at-first, I even heard from others that they actually disciplined the other mods in-question, but IDK how much of that I can disclose, but they quickly just decided I was annoying and made a server-wide rule that all reports should be filed to a bot rather than a human. Last I checked, before leaving the server, the mods never respond to any reports filed to the bot
My passion's definitely still there, although most of it right now is dedicated to other works. I'm hoping to get back to webnovels soon, though!
Yeah, Steel Ball Run was great too! I definitely think it has the best chemistry between the main JoJo and the main ally, and the supporting characters are really good too! I think JoJolion did have better fights, though. Probably the best in the series, IMO!
Still got some scars that I doubt will ever go away TBH. But other than that, kudos. Certainly better than the previous operation that I had which didn't even cure what was wrong with me at the time, LOL. XD
Paint.net. I've been using it for quite a few years (since before I even joined MAL), but that was usually just to touch up my art. Only really started diving into its features more at the end of last year and throughout this year. Opacity, color-blending and especially multiple background layers are kinda daunting at first for someone like me with 0% practice with digital art, but I eventually got the hang of it. (Now if only I was a better artist in general, LOL. Then my art might actually resemble the figure of a human, LMAO.)
Yep, I'm doing well, thanks for asking! Got some surgery recently, and I'm feeling the best that I've felt in over half a decade. :3
I didn't really "decide" to get better or anything. I guess it's just because I finally moved away from Microsoft Paint, LOL. :P
I'm not sure how much I can show since a lot of them are drawings of other peoples' characters that I wouldn't want to post without their permission, but I suppose I can grab a drawing I did of my and Laika's characters real quick.
I s'pose I can also get a more recent drawing of my slimegirl. :3
Hopefully you were able to find whatever you were looking for in my novels on Scribblehub? If not, I'm intending to reupload the Two Beings prequel around Christmas this year. The rest (the short stories) are probably lost to the sands of time, but I can DM them to you or something, if you still wanna read 'em, lol
Yeah, I left Honeyfeed due to the toxic environment, especially on their Discord server, unfortunately. I also found-out that 9 specific users, 4 of whom I thought I could call acquaintances and 1 of whom was a member of Honeyfeed's staff, were spreading false and damaging rumors about me, just because they didn't like my novels, so...
I still think the website itself has the most convenient and easy-to-navigate layout of any webnovel site I've tried, but it really isn't worth dealing with the community itself, IMO
Yeah, I definitely enjoyed the manga! Part 8 is actually my favorite manga overall now, and my third-favorite JoJo part! :D
LOL, I didn't even need to rethink it. I knew that I never wanted to go to college, and the only reason I even endured 3 months in that erupting volcano was because my legal guardians practically forced me to, LOL. ^^;
We'll I'm glad you like my art, LOL. Everyone is their own worst critic, I suppose. I think my art has improved a lot this year though. :P
I'm doing fine myself. Funnily enough, right now I'm again for the most part on a hiatus from anime and series and stuff (I did leave that hiatus earlier this year, but only very briefly), though I've at least been to the cinema a few times (somehow I find easier watching movies when they're at the cinema - the intermission probably does help).
The only anime I'm watching rn is this new Pokemon one, which I started because the new protagonists taking the place of Ash and the new setting and plot seemed rather interesting, and the fact that it's airing weekly means it's not too much of a time commitment on my part to watch like ~25 mins. a week; though I don't know for how long I'll keep watching it as it airs, as in standard Pokemon tradition, it sure has a lot of filler. Some summer seasonals seem pretty interesting too, but not enough for me to watch weekly (I might add them to my PTW after the season ends), but the fall lineup seems pretty stacked on the other hand, and I might watch a few of those weekly, though probably not the too plot-focused ones.
In terms of additions to the site while you were gone, I really had to stop and think about that as, partly due to my whole hiatus thing and partly due to this not being my primary site, I didn't remember very well.
At any rate, looking it up from the Announcements section of the forum to refresh my memory, the most important change has to be the addition of a dark mode (incredible, right?). The related setting is available from the Preferences/Appearance section, and I tried it a little bit, but soon went back to the Light mode as the color of the dark mode was a tad too dark for my taste (funnily enough I do use dark mode on A-P though, but iirc comparing them, the shade of black there is a tad lighter), but maybe you'll like it better than I did. Another planned change is a change to how the conversations/replies sections show up in the forum, but it's basically still in beta so only the MAL supporters can get to see the full extent of these changes so far.
And another interesting (in a sense) thing that happened earlier this year was that around early May this site got hacked, and a result ended up going down for 2-3 days iirc. I just so happened to be on the site as the hacking started taking place, shortly after which the site went down, so I saw what happened live (MAL said it themselves later in their announcement of the hack, but it's not the same as being there); in particular all anime titles were changed to "LET'S ALL LOVE LAIN" (yes, exactly like that, with capital letters) - funny thing is, I was genuinely confused the first few seconds, as I thought that an anime called "Let's Love Lain" literally existed somehow, and then wondered whether maybe it was a late April Fool's joke, because MAL does tend to change stuff on their db on that day (this year for example, they changed all the anime images to feature cats and the site's logo to MyKittyList). But it turned out to be a hack after all, done by a massive Serial Experiments Lain fanboy apparently.
I wasn't all that worried at the time however; rather, I thought the whole thing was rather funny, or even ridiculous, as I thought that the hacker was probably literally some script kiddie that was influenced a tad too much by Serial Experiments Lain, and used a technique that isn't actually that different from what the MAL staff themselves use for their April Fool's stuff (so much for the #1 in popularity anime site then). The MAL staff had to revert the database to an earlier version from before the hack, but that wasn't such a big deal for me as, due to also logging stuff on A-P - which I was obviously still able to use while MAL was down - I just mass-added that stuff to MAL afterwards. Also, the MAL staff in their announcement said that they didn't see any data breach of the user's info, but I changed my own password anyways just in case (you might want to do that too, depending on how you feel about the matter).
So yeah, that was quite something - good thing I had A-P as well - and it was probably for the better that you missed the whole thing.
Well, since I'm also using Anime-Planet, and I like the interface of that site very much, my perceptions on what I'd like in an anime website are colored by the features already present there. On the other hand however, MAL turning into a clone of A-P interface-wise wouldn't do all that good, since then I'd have almost no reason to use it in addition to A-P other than the social stuff.
So I guess, assuming minimal changes are made, I'd appreciate having a bigger default font size, as while zooming in is a way of dealing with that problem, sometimes I forget to do so and end up reading those letters made for ants, which isn't good for my eyesight. A lot of people are clamoring for dark mode too btw, but I wouldn't strictly require that, as, while I do use dark mode on A-P, MAL's light mode isn't as bright as A-P's to my experience so it suits me just fine.
Something that would really benefit everyone else using this site that isn't aware of the existence of A-P and its features though would be to further develop the genres and themes thingy (the also recently added - last year iirc - equivalent to A-P's 'tags') so that people can look up using combinations of genres and themes, or excluding genres/themes e.t.c (for example search for Detective and include or exclude Sci-Fi e.t.c); this would help people to find stuff more catered to what they'd want to see instead of just seeing what has a high average score or is the latest seasonal fad or whatever. The way I see it, the fact that more obscure anime is harder to find here in comparison to A-P might even play a non-negligible part to the mentality seen a lot on this site of obsessing over seasonals and high scores and dismissing older or lower scored shows. So yeah, I'd appreciate a better implementation of the genres/themes in the search, since as it stands, it's prejudiced towards the popular and new shows in expense of everything else. Not that this feature being implemented will change these mentalities overnight, but it could perhaps at least help some people find stuff they wouldn't have otherwise.
Thank you for the picture. (Also you remembered about me liking Ultraman (as I think we talked about that before iirc), that was kind on your part - I wouldn't think you'd recall something like that after all those months after all (so perhaps it's also kinda impressive in a way too))
It's pretty cute indeed, and though the Ultramen in this picture are from series I haven't watched as of yet, I can thankfully recognize most of them due to having frequented the r/Ultraman subreddit enough to get acquainted with them too.
(Btw, I'm in a hiatus from anime - and watching series or movies in general - atm, but I'm thinking when I leave that hiatus to watch an Ultraman series again, since it's been a while since I last saw one.)