Sorry you felt that way cause this season is one of the best I’ve seen as I talked about in my seasonal preview video. Anime is just getting better and better every season. So much diversity in content.
It would be nice if isekai really existed, but we all know that they don't. And given how reckless driving is in the Philippines, if you are hit by a truck-kun, your first destination will most likely be a straight flattened body with no signs of life. But damn, I wish waifus existed.
Guess it is time to get hit by truck-kun and turn into a pet or a sword, KEKW. I'd have unlimited time and luxury to spend with my waifus. I'm also watching the sword anime, and the first episode is quite interesting.
What I meant by having different tastes was that I rarely see those anime on other people's favorite anime lists. I didn't mean any harm with that. XD. And while I don't play Arknights, that PFP of yours looks fantastic. I don't blame you for liking Mashiro Shiina. She is, after all, a cute waifu and one of my very first waifus as well. ^_^
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By the way, nice PFP. And it is interesting to see someone with a very distinct favorite list that differs from the norm.