Hey everyone,
I'm a Youtuber from Germany called Nagi. I love to make Japanese/English Anime Covers and translations. On my channel, I cover all the songs I like. Right now, it's still more of the recent releases, but I want to cover all songs from my childhood as well.
I grew up watching 90s and early 2000s anime, so I guess I count Pokemon, Dragen Ball (Z), Inuyasha, Sailor Moon and Case Closed to my all time favorites. I might do some of the covers even in German. Of course, I also love and watch more recent anime as well. One of my more recent favorites is Darling in the FranXX.
Next to Anime/Manga, Youtube and singing, I really love sports, especially figure skating, running, swimming, bike riding and working out (there are other sports as well, but I do these ones the most^_^). So, if you are a fellow figure skater, feel free to talk to me. It's still a bit far from the next season, but I can't wait to step on the ice again<3
Visit my channel here:
All Comments (50) Comments
I don't really collect the cards, but I think you can use TCGplayer or TrollandToad.
I guess it's for pacing? Then again a lot shows have filler episodes everywhere. I'd take a filler episode over a recap episode any day though.
Yeah I'm waiting on the episode where all the characters show up. I'll watch the new episode later but I want to know what happened to Kagome, Inuyasha, and Seshomaru's wife.
Sounds like you're making good progress. I have another friend attempting to watch all of One Piece without skipping fillers too. The English dub for Naruto is okay not great. The OG shows like DBZ, Kenshin, Yu Yu Hakusho, FMA, etc had the better English dubs though. The new stuff now is bad imo. When I do my rewatch of Naruto, I'm debating whether to do it in English or Japanese.
The first season of My Hero started off slow but it picked up in season 2. I'm only on Episode 3 of Black Clover and it's slow too, but I was told it gets better way later.
What do you think of the Inuyasha sequel so far?
Lol my friend told me it took him a few months to get through all of Naruto. I wish you luck haha
I'm watching My Hero Academia and am in the middle of the 3rd season. I regret not watching this before. Black Clover is next!
Also, I checked out Fire Force and loved it. Arthur's my favorite character XD
That sucks. Maybe they were asymptomatic? One of the groomsman for the wedding I was at came back from visiting his girlfriend in Berlin the week before the wedding. Luckily he tested negative.
I'll take a look at both of those. Besides the main stream shows like Demon Slayer and Attack on Titan, another manga on my list is Blue Exorcist. It's an older series but I just now got into it after watching the anime.
I didn't know a kanji website like that existed. It should be a huge help. I've never seen Youtube abbreviated as YT haha.
aber ok dann versuch ichs mal auf deutsch :D
jup hab re zero fertig
war mir n bisschen zu harem mäßig, bissl repetitive und leider hatte es kaum magie Kämpfe
mhh kanojo hat n etwas lowen score und mir hats noch niemand empfohlen
weiß nicht, ob ichs je gucken werde :D
aber mhh wäre wahrsch nichts für mich
habe erst in den 2000ern bissl anime geguckt
und hatte lange zeit kein rtl 2 zu Hause :/
ja ich gucke mir inuyasha irgendwann komplett an
ich lasse ungerne folgen oder staffeln aus
mir fällts schwer rauszugehen und weiß überhaupt nicht was ich fürn Job probieren könnte
The wedding was actually 2 days ago. He definitely gave me a lot of good food and drinks since I was a groomsman. The last few days have been exhausting but I had a lot of fun. He's planning on having another wedding next year because he had to limit the guest list because of covid restrictions and a lot of people could not make it, including one of the best men. My friends started getting married around 2015 so I have had a least 1 to go to each year since then.
The show is really good, but the last season was definitely overhyped. It was like Tokyo Ghoul. The first few seasons started off strong, but warp speed pacing at the end hurt the show.
I wish Duolingo started off that way, but it mixes in kanji very early. YT?
you still got 3 fav spots open there tho but it makes sense either way
mhh this entire year didnt have many nice new anime imo
re zero kinda disappointed me
haha rough to hear that about kanojo okarishimasu
I havent seen inuyasha yet but its def one that I wanna watch eventually
my life is nice overall but I gotta find a job and mhh no idea what to do
mhh Im just used to talking in english but if you prefer german thats ok
I was born near cologne but I moved away a while ago :D
have you been watching anything good lately?
I hope you are doing fine,
greetings from Germany :)
Glad I'm not the only one with the same view. Funny enough, my friend who postponed his wedding to next year decided to do a small one this October in addition to the one next year so it looks like I'll be well fed for at least 2 days XD
Have a lot of your friends gotten married yet?
The old stuff is good but the new stuff isn't bad either. You don't like Game of Thrones???
Also, my Japanese is progressing enough to where I can read/pronounce hiragana without needing to look at notes. Now I just need to understand what I'm reading lol