Best Freinds (I mispelled friends because I'm an idiot. I could correct but I'm too lasy, so instead I decided to write a big sentence explaining the mistake, rather than backspace one letter and type another) ^_^
Here is an update for everyone~
There are member cards which you can get here Member Cards
There are limited edition cards here
If anyone has any suggestions for this club. Please let me know.
that is really funny(the ramen) stuff like that are sone off the many reasons you are so fun to hang out with. my personaltys r more closely related and fit into 2 types the ones i show people and the ones i keep locked up in my soul room (my new name for whatever that is) most hidden ones r yucky dark evil hentai most shown ones are quiet irritable and somewhat silly and a mixture of all three. then there r the things i wish i could be that are basicly beaten up by all my other personalitys
i can see your future either A: you end up in a wacky shack or B: you become a comedian XD love the voice inside your head claiming to be god XD that kinda happend once when i asked myself a question an a song that answered the question randomly poped into my head. i prolly have 3 or so personalites 2 in just good at beatin all the others up XD
im not very proud an prolly dislike myself quite abit (makes fun of self when feeling down) i ask 4 help sometimes but getting help normally doesnt help me cuz with some things (like sewing) i need to do it myself (lil bit o a kinetic learner)
YAY! thank you Jebus-chan. hmm guess that means computers dislike me(they used to hate me but now its down to dislike since i read manga an youtube 4 new music online all day)
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I am an Admin. at the Character Card Council, and me & the other admins are here to get this club active again!
We have a new LE Opened! Also please feel free to try some of our games or tell your Anime story and how you found the Loving World of Anime!
Tsukiyomi Ikuto Character Edition
How You Found Anime
Love it, Like it, Dislike it, Hate it, Never Tried It
Game-Last Letter (anime ver.)
Testicles. That is all!
Actually no. If you're coming to talk to talk to Nacchi, be aware that this is me and Ermeig is my new account.