What Naruto girl are you?
My Results:

You are Temari…
You are independent, strong, and beautiful. Some people may see you as coldhearted, but that’s not entirely true, you care about your family and friends and you would risk your life to protect them.
Which Ouran High School Host Club member are you?
My Results:

You are strategically devious. You know how to work any situation so that it benefits you. You might be described as mysterious, and that is kind of true. You don't tell anyone everything about your well-laid plans. You prefer to keep to yourself, although you are a leader. Mysterious is a good word for you, now that I think of it...
In-Depth Bleach personality quiz
My Results:

Kuchiki Byakuya
You are quiet and mysterious. You are equal to everyone, you rely on no one.
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