All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 260.3
Mean Score:
- Watching191
- Completed788
- On-Hold44
- Dropped9
- Plan to Watch753
- Total Entries1,785
- Rewatched1
- Episodes18,078
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 276.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries305
- Reread3
- Chapters17,172
- Volumes1,818
All Comments (7) Comments
and so is taiga
"The lives we spent were real!
They were all the real deal!
Everyone lived the best they could!
That's how our memories were made!
No matter what they are,
it's the life we walked!"
Btw, if you're curious. I've found you from one of your forum posts and saw a Karryl, so I couldn't resist friend requesting such a person with such a fine taste. Great taste in animes too!