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Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru - Episode 7: Requiem of the Golden Witch
May 4, 2020 12:17 PM
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yeah I'm staying in the college dorms.. moved to the big city (Toronto) to do my teacher's training. I'm actually almost done now and will be moving back home by the end of next week (that's how long it's been :P) It's not scary at all ^^ I actually like living on my own, and living in the city is sooo convenient (although pricey..) there's so many interesting things to see and do :)
How's work with you? ^^
SnK was epic! :D Some eps were so good they gave me shivers lol And that cliffhanger ending..... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
It's been a while tho, I have to rewatch it sometime before S2 starts
As for me I'm not watching much anime these days.. too busy with studies and all. Only show I'm watching currently is InuYasha ^^ aaah, my childhood<3
Has it? lol weird, it used to be higher than that. It's a conspiracy I say :P
Read/watch anything interesting lately?
Yeah magi was nice in the beginning, i also liked the unique concept as as well, but eventually it turned average shounen-y :/ i found the characters bland, the fights were poorly done (sorry but i couldnt take the war seriously with an ultimate weapon of mass destruction that looked like a giant poop in the sky... = =" ) and both mc's were unappealing. Alibaba was still useless after 2 season and i just dont like aladin. I just...dont :| He's weird. That being said though there were parts that i loved, like alibaba taking over the throne and the magician rebellion (Mogamett is one of the most down to earth realistic characters i have come across in a loong time 0_0) but in the end the show had it's faults. It was ok. It was, average :P
Yes I have! I only read the 1st volume and it's freaky just as promised XD Creepy imoutos and mutilation.. And that part with the sledge hammer made me cringe >< It sure is a... refreshing manga :P Thanks for the rec! ;)
Somehow your job sounds more complicated than it probably is >_> but i see the word 'officer' in there and thats pretty cool lol good luck to you dear, especially during these tough summer days and the fasting :)
Well that is a problem.. and kyohei started to notice her in like what, vol 3 or something? XD Talk about slow XD
Heh heh... I'm actually practicing ;)
My handwriting is still crap tho :P Gimme a year and I'll probably be able to tackle the scary kanji
Will do will do :) I plan to read it soon (maybe tonight? can't sleep anyway :P) since it's so short. I'll let you know what I think after I do
Haha XD dont worry nothing funky goes on between those two, not even suggestively. It's still worth a try.. maybe it will inspire you to watch the anime :D
Bleach isnt something you'll miss out on if you don't watch/read it :P One Piece however is a different story. A lot of people are turned off by it's cartoony appearance and silly over-used plotline of wanting to be the best etc, but it has a unique quality that almost no show has. All of its main cast are charming and it has a positivity that is very refreshing (especailly if you compare it to Naruto, yeesh 0_0). And the fights are REAALLLYY epic. A must watch/read. So yeah I'm gonna badger you along with your friend... TRY ONE PIECE! dont be fooled by first appearances! Theres a reason why its rated much higher than naruto ;)
Btw how are you liking Magi so far?
Haha you're right about the wallflower XD the main plot moves at a turtle's pace, when it moves at all. But I find the the gag comedy is still entertaining X) BTW, is it true sunako and kyohei will get married? :o I don't remember where I heard that and i'm like 20 volumes behind XD
I doubt the manga will continue, but if it does then hey i'm not complaining :P Saiunkoku's open ending was disappointing but considering everything it accomplishes I'm glad I watched it. It will always be among my top favs ^^ Actually, I set a goal for myself to learn japanese just so I can be able to read the japanese novels and continue the story. Most people want to learn it just to watch anime without subs XD
Aw that sucks about twelve kingdoms, it seems like a great story. I hope the novel translations will continue one day, I'd totally read them ^^
Uhhmmm... you mean the non-ecchi Ibitsu manga right? :P "strange, creepy, lolita woman" I'm sold. I dont like horror much but this one seems omoshiroi :P
Oh well I dont know about no.6's manga but the anime definitely had shounen-ai elements. I'm reading the novel for it actually and it's not shounen-ai-y as the anime (weird, it's usually the opposite..) I think the manga should be safe too. No.6 is actually really good, I'd even recommend you the anime. The shounen-ai isnt prevalent at all which is why you'll almost never see "shounen-ai" or "romance" tags because it really doesn't have any. The two mains arent "gay" so much as two people with a deep human bond who've been through hell together. It's a beautiful relationship which you dont see a lot because it would immediately be labeled "gay", but if you stick to it you'll experience a great story :)
Haha yesss I'm looking forward to discussing kuroshitsuji with you ;)
Ahh fine I'll add busou renkin to my list JUST for this guy (he better have a lot of scenes!) :P It was compared to Bleach anyway so I'm kinda interested X)
Anyway I added Lovely Complex and Kaichou to my ptw! From what you're saying they seem like fun shows ^_^
Ahh you're trying to talk me out of continuing Ouran... and it's kinda working :P Okay I'll keep reading until it gets unbearable, then i'll concede defeat to you lol
The Saiunkoku manga doesn't complete the story as far as I know. I actually HAVE the manga volumes but i havent read them yet (yeah my slow reading is THAT bad.. OTL) but i just leafed through the last volume and it appears it doesn't even reach up to the end of the first season :S The novel is the complete form of the story of course but since it's unfortunately not translated the anime is the next best thing. But really though, even with the open ending the show accomplishes SO. MUCH. It's definitely worth watching. And if you want read a bit of the manga to get a feel of what the story is like ^_^
Oooo shiki! I read mixed reviews about it, but one of the positive ones was that it was "true" horror.. do you recommend? :)
It's good that you're not into that fandom, but in kuroshitsuji's case the boyxboy hints are just part of the comedy and feed for the yaoi fangirls who like to..ahhm.. fantasize on the side >__> none of it is serious though. Really, No.6 might be considered "a shounen-ai that isnt labeled as such" but kuroshitsuji is definitely not. If you just watch it as an unusual show that goes beyond conventional boundaries you should be ok :P It'll be a unique watching experience for you if you usually avoid this type of show. Plus I need someone to counter my "best anime ending ever" claim so commee onnnn give in to the bishies just this once :P
"Papillon" LOOOOOL GOOD GOD and people call kuroshitsuji gay XDDD I'll keep busou renkin in mind then if I feel like watching an oldie X)
Oh btw! I started reading Ouran :) I'm borrowing the volumes from the library. I've only managed to read the first volume but so far it's mehh :/ The art is horrible and there's too much going on in every panel, the story doesnt flow well. The anime is much better and funnier, but hopefully the manga improves ^.^
Aaaactually... Saiunkoku Monogatari has an open ending, even after the second season >< It can still be considered a happy "ending" in a way though lol I hope this doesn't stop you from wanting to watch it XD It's still a great show!
Ooo I do that sometimes too :O I look for comments that tell how the story is progressing and whether it's going downhill. You get spoiled a lot dont you? XD It's a high price to pay to know whether a series is worth it.. v_v
Korean dramas definitely tend to be silly XD But I've watched one that was great called White Christmas. It's an action school mystery with a lot of hot model guys *o* But the story is really good and not silly at all. I recommend it 100%, you wont regret it :)
Too bad about Itazura, I was considering watching it. Oh well... more time to watch the good stuff :P speaking of which, have you tried kaichou wa maid-sama before? It looks sooo bland and stereotypical but everyone loves it apparently. I'm thinking of giving it a try just based on that...
You mean.... you haven't watched kuroshitsuji before?? :OOOOOOOO That's no good, kuroshitsuji is a must-watch!! The bishie butler and shota-like mc are just a bonus LOL seriosuly though, it is such a great show with THE BEST ending i have ever seen in an anime. I'm countering that recommendation you got. You should reconsider!!!
Yessss thank you! Keep me updated please :) I'm especially curious how the "final battle" was handled in the manga (hopefully it wasn't as LAME -__- )
Excalibur is on a crusade and taking over anime muahahaaha!!! Moonface is his first disciple lol I watched some scenes of moonface on youtube, he seems awesome XD If only the anime didnt look super average I would give it a try just for him X)
Ooo I heard of kanata kara, I'll add that one too! ^.^
Saiunkoku Monogatari is amazing!! The art may be old and not too pretty but the story is phenomenal! It's about a girl who wants to work in the government in a society where politics is only run by men. She goes through so many trials to realize her dream as many people (ignorant men) stand in her way mostly for their own benefit. It deals a lot with sexism. The heroine is a strong one emotionally and with a lot of willpower without being tomboy and losing her girliness. She's very clever and not the typical shoujo airhead. This anime is soo amazing and inspiring, I can't stop recommending it to people ^_^ Plus it's full of bishies :P Yes I've heard 12 kingdoms is very similar to Saiunkoku, I plan to watch it someday :)
Really?? :o But the anime ending was sooo unsatisfying, I want to know what happens after!! Oke, I'll read it and tell you what I think ;) I hope at least the twins find themselves girlfriends LOL
Yeah for sure girl crossdressing mangas are the best! When it's a guy it's just too awkward and stupid. Not really interested in the manga but a friend of mine keeps pushing me to watch the hana-kimi drama :P Do you watch J-/K-dramas at all?
You can not tempt me with bishies!!! >_< If the anime is bad then the bishies are a lost cause, what a waste ;p I'm not sure about blood+ yet... I'll ask around again :P
Let me know how the soul eater manga goes! I might read it if it keeps up the awesomeness of the anime. LMAO that moonface guy looks hilarious oh man.. XDDD Excalibur is super annoying but soo awesome. He gets on your nerves and never lets go :P His randomness is freaking hilarious though. He should makes cameos in all anime >:)
I added everything you recommended (Y) except for Blood+ I was told it wasn't very good :P I noticed you seem to really like gender bender! Have you read the manga Power!! before? It's also a shoujo I liked :)
Excalibur is AWESOME. He is literally the best thing to happen to anime. "Bakame" >__< If only the final battle was given to excalibur then the ending wouldn't have sucked so bad >__<
I'm into any genre really, as long as the anime doesnt suck. Shoujos are usually really bad that's why I dont watch much of them lol But you seem to prefer shounen and seinen am I right? :)
so so did u watch movie 1? did u drop it? hahahaha to hardcore for u i know. pat pat. :P
i tried it dear, and i compared it with the 1080p video, it not even close. but its great if you want to watch on ur mini laptop screen. but if u try on your TV u will see the difference and u will see many pixel dots. it is kinda flue and bad quality. but again on the laptop you wont notice that much difference.
thats why im still dowloading HQ videos. 3andjad u should see it the difference so u will agree with me :) hehe
other then this how are you? what are you doing these days? any news from work?
keep in touch :)
anyway yes it is like claymore, they might do season 2 anime.
i prefer to live hoping they do season 2. i dnt read manga and never will. :)
the 15GB movie is Mardock Scramble (dont know if i typed correctly) part 3. i cant say its the best movie but since i wathced 1 and 2, i wana see how it ends. and pretty sure its good.
note: u wouldn't like it so i recommend u skip.
and no, u cant find 400MB for that movie. coz 1st its long and 2nd now people; the new era, prefer HQ videos unlike the oldies (like u) wohahahaha
anyway im rarely watching new anime atm just continuing watching one piece. most of the time im playing wow and ps3 (dragone age)..yes yes it is old game but im playing again from zero till the end.. and gona jump for the 2nd game. hehe
other then this work is fine, 3ade...pfff..
back to work then :P hehe