Though in retrospect I understand why. Most anime airs later in Japan as well, simply because one reason is it's not exactly super child friendly. America is more strict on content too for kids (no one bleeds in child cartoons).
Lol when I did watch Dora, it was 30 minutes of me screaming at Dora that she was stupid because she always took forever to find what she needed... (oh yeah, I was a really nice, bossy brat. 8D) Though I got to say I really don't like children's cartoons nowadays. Stuff like Babar was good, timeless, intelligent, and narrative. I could still watch it today and enjoy it.
I was one of those 8yos who stayed up to 2am watching anime on TV since they were mostly aired late-night on weekends. 8D
Even as a kid, I heavily prefered the anime-esque cartoons (Saturday mornings <3). I enjoyed the style more and maybe because they seemed more intelligent than say... Dora the Explorer lol. I was one of the young kids that hated everything meant for my age group, preferring stuff for older kids (teenagers). :P
Haha I watched primarily cartoons and anime as a kid before I knew what anime was. A while back I was browsing the now-dead cartoon channel's list of anime aired, and apparently I watched every single one of them. ^^" (But I don't recall most of the western cartoons lol.)
The luxury of summer vacation for me lol. I hate that incomplete feeling if I don't finish a franchise though. Like you said, it feels like I'll miss something.
I didn't even bother with Nisekoi. I actually feel really bad for the mangaka because he had some decent one shots and his last serialization got cancelled... but once he changed his genre to fit the market, voila, popularity in Nisekoi. =__=
I think when you start out, you stick to certain genres/niches or mainstream series. Interests and expectations tend to diversify and rise when it becomes less casual entertainment. It's like a phase, though some people don't grow out of it. :P
And you mean watching sequels? I do too unless it was a struggle to finish. Though by season 2+ it's like an obligation since you've already watched several seasons worth... I don't like it when they announce new seasons for shows that I thought were mediocre because I end up watching it anyway and it's practically a chore. =_="
I would love to drop the habit, but my conscience nags me if I don't watch them. XD
My brain just subconsciously forms expectations from the premise, synopsis, etc. If that makes sense. XD
I have pretty low expectations most of the time though, just from years of watching. ^^"
I try to pick up anything that looks somewhat decent or remotely interesting, no matter what genre or premise. Heck, even if it's just a certain studio. My motto when it comes to anime is basically; if you don't try it you'll never know. (Unless it's generic/pandering trash, but everything else is fair game. =3= b)
Sound and visuals or certain scenes trigger my memory. I didn't remember the existence of GitS: SAC, but when the OP started I got smacked full on with nostalgia and remembered watching it back in elementary. That's what I call a memorable OP! Not so much nowadays for me.
My top favorites are always series that I either have no expectations for (decided to watch on a whim), or have my expectations completely blown away. I finish them and have my standards and potential for the genre completely raised. Whenever I discover one of these series, my hope in anime is renewed. :D
Something poetic like that, but it's true lol. Most of my favorites never caught my attention and I just watched them on a whim. Learning from that, I try to just pick up series without thinking about them too much now.
I'm surprised too. For a first add that's quite a bit. I think mine was only 100-200 or so. (I probably watched more in childhood, but didn't bother remembering them.)
And you haven't seen some of my favorites. That ought to be of some interest later. XD
Yup that's true. I've had people give me recommendations and I followed them, but in the end they were very uninteresting and the conversation was kinda stale. It's equally awkward when they do know the series but have a different opinion on it. Largely in part due to different taste. I find that discovering series (and gems) on your own is the easiest thing to do. ^^"
Not a crowd fan myself either. Being asocial with a few close friends is great. ^^
It is nice to find people with the same taste in anime though, especially when you aren't very mainstream. You can essentially just ramble praise for a series and that can be the entire conversation. They would still understand it and all the subtext. =3= b
Well, I guess there will be quite a bit. There's another similarity. I also enjoy stuff more in solitude. Though it's probably because I have a different taste and I prefer peaceful enjoyment. But you will eventually get a couple people you're on good terms with even if they don't share your taste or opinions completely.
Oh her art has definitely developed. I've seen some of her earlier fanart. I did think the beginning of Carciphona was a bit iffy and the characters don't shine until later in the story. But definitely worth it when you have the time. ;)
Yeah, it gets dull pretty quickly. Especially if it's mostly what the series relies on to be entertaining. 70s-90s anime is more realistic and entertaining to me.
It's a good creed to follow. Plenty of those people have double standards too. Overall just a very high level of immaturity on MAL... >_>
Where have you been all my life? Jkjk I'm no creep. <3 You even know Shilin, that's a huge surprise!
Are you just going to keep impressing me with commonalities?
I definitely recommend Carciphona. Great characters, interesting themes and relationships, intelligent + sarcastic/witty and refreshing dialogue, beautiful artwork, and Veloce breaks SO many gender stereotypes/tropes/expectations. I absolutely love Veloce. I've yet to meet any female character like her. She isn't feminine, tomboyish, or a "sexy badass". There's no trope/category for her - she's completely her own unique individual. Her dialogue and relationship/trust with the others characters surprise me. Especially when she opens up to them. AND she has an interesting relationship with another strong female (her enemy) - pretty much canon since Shilin does artwork of them as a couple.
I actually bought the four released volumes and support her on Patreon because I love it so much.
I had a comic phase at one point and I'm so glad I discovered Carciphona. Highly recommended.
Sadly, it sells and only spurs more crappy series to appeal to a certain fanbases. :/
As a fair warning, MAL community can get pretty butthurt. Don't give them too much attention. Especially if they don't have valid reasoning or don't seek actual discussion. There's no reason to take them more seriously than they take you. I've been here for a few years and I've learned to a) avoid forums of pandering anime and b) don't look back on your posts unless you get a comment or have a good reason.
Mainly because the users on MAL tend to be young and/or don't get out much. Two types of people who generally take offense easily and can get vicious/condescending very quickly. Hardly considered a mature anime community.
Wait, what? How did I never find that?? I prefer anilist charts over MAL one anyday. <3
That's just fine. Not many series catch my attention so I can't talk much about them in depth anyhow. Recent seasons have been average, so I can't say you've missed out on much.
All Comments (20) Comments
I actually really don't like that though... :/
I just found this hilarious, haha. XD
Lol when I did watch Dora, it was 30 minutes of me screaming at Dora that she was stupid because she always took forever to find what she needed... (oh yeah, I was a really nice, bossy brat. 8D) Though I got to say I really don't like children's cartoons nowadays. Stuff like Babar was good, timeless, intelligent, and narrative. I could still watch it today and enjoy it.
Even as a kid, I heavily prefered the anime-esque cartoons (Saturday mornings <3). I enjoyed the style more and maybe because they seemed more intelligent than say... Dora the Explorer lol. I was one of the young kids that hated everything meant for my age group, preferring stuff for older kids (teenagers). :P
I was looking for his oneshots and I was annoyed to find MAL merged them into one entry, subsequently deleting it on my list. =__="
The luxury of summer vacation for me lol. I hate that incomplete feeling if I don't finish a franchise though. Like you said, it feels like I'll miss something.
I didn't even bother with Nisekoi. I actually feel really bad for the mangaka because he had some decent one shots and his last serialization got cancelled... but once he changed his genre to fit the market, voila, popularity in Nisekoi. =__=
And you mean watching sequels? I do too unless it was a struggle to finish. Though by season 2+ it's like an obligation since you've already watched several seasons worth... I don't like it when they announce new seasons for shows that I thought were mediocre because I end up watching it anyway and it's practically a chore. =_="
I would love to drop the habit, but my conscience nags me if I don't watch them. XD
I have pretty low expectations most of the time though, just from years of watching. ^^"
I try to pick up anything that looks somewhat decent or remotely interesting, no matter what genre or premise. Heck, even if it's just a certain studio. My motto when it comes to anime is basically; if you don't try it you'll never know. (Unless it's generic/pandering trash, but everything else is fair game. =3= b)
My top favorites are always series that I either have no expectations for (decided to watch on a whim), or have my expectations completely blown away. I finish them and have my standards and potential for the genre completely raised. Whenever I discover one of these series, my hope in anime is renewed. :D
Something poetic like that, but it's true lol. Most of my favorites never caught my attention and I just watched them on a whim. Learning from that, I try to just pick up series without thinking about them too much now.
And you haven't seen some of my favorites. That ought to be of some interest later. XD
Yup that's true. I've had people give me recommendations and I followed them, but in the end they were very uninteresting and the conversation was kinda stale. It's equally awkward when they do know the series but have a different opinion on it. Largely in part due to different taste. I find that discovering series (and gems) on your own is the easiest thing to do. ^^"
It is nice to find people with the same taste in anime though, especially when you aren't very mainstream. You can essentially just ramble praise for a series and that can be the entire conversation. They would still understand it and all the subtext. =3= b
Oh her art has definitely developed. I've seen some of her earlier fanart. I did think the beginning of Carciphona was a bit iffy and the characters don't shine until later in the story. But definitely worth it when you have the time. ;)
It's a good creed to follow. Plenty of those people have double standards too. Overall just a very high level of immaturity on MAL... >_>
Where have you been all my life? Jkjk I'm no creep. <3 You even know Shilin, that's a huge surprise!
Are you just going to keep impressing me with commonalities?
I definitely recommend Carciphona. Great characters, interesting themes and relationships, intelligent + sarcastic/witty and refreshing dialogue, beautiful artwork, and Veloce breaks SO many gender stereotypes/tropes/expectations. I absolutely love Veloce. I've yet to meet any female character like her. She isn't feminine, tomboyish, or a "sexy badass". There's no trope/category for her - she's completely her own unique individual. Her dialogue and relationship/trust with the others characters surprise me. Especially when she opens up to them. AND she has an interesting relationship with another strong female (her enemy) - pretty much canon since Shilin does artwork of them as a couple.
I actually bought the four released volumes and support her on Patreon because I love it so much.
I had a comic phase at one point and I'm so glad I discovered Carciphona. Highly recommended.
As a fair warning, MAL community can get pretty butthurt. Don't give them too much attention. Especially if they don't have valid reasoning or don't seek actual discussion. There's no reason to take them more seriously than they take you. I've been here for a few years and I've learned to a) avoid forums of pandering anime and b) don't look back on your posts unless you get a comment or have a good reason.
Mainly because the users on MAL tend to be young and/or don't get out much. Two types of people who generally take offense easily and can get vicious/condescending very quickly. Hardly considered a mature anime community.
That's just fine. Not many series catch my attention so I can't talk much about them in depth anyhow. Recent seasons have been average, so I can't say you've missed out on much.