I'm a pretty personable guy (yes, I'm a guy) - I love to talk about anime and would be happy to help you find some things to watch. Check out my lists and if you think we have similar tastes feel free to contact me. Love meeting other fellow weebs. (I watch subs, dubs, and can speak a some Japanese if that sparks your fancy haha - although I'm admittedly... only alright. )
How I review/rate the anime I watch:
I try to rate on a 6 point scale (S, A, B, C, D, F) - Thus if you see anything lower than a 5... it basically means... Unwatchable haha. (S=10, A = 9, ETC)
I feel like once you get to around 1-5, it's basically all the same in my book. Terrible. So I think the better way to go about it is to rate between 5-10. Thus why my scores MAY appear highish? (I also feel it's not fair to rate a show after only having seen a couple episodes... And if I don't watch the majority - if not the whole anime - I typically feel I can't fairly rate a show. Another reason why my ratings could appear higher than average... Because... I'm not gonna watch more than a couple episodes of a show that's terrible haha.
P.S. - Before I joined MAL, I used to keep track of my scores on paper. I know it says joined 2019. I've been watching anime for years and years and years before that haha. Unfortunately, all of it isn't documented. I also occasionally re-evaluate scores over time on rewatches... reconsideration. ETC. As I watch more.
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