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"I figured if sins could be rewarded, then good deeds would be as well." -Tama Mizumori

"I figured if sins could be rewarded, then good deeds would be as well." -Tama Mizumori

Hello. My user is MyFriendIbis, but my alias is Heron. I love animation of all kinds, but the world of anime intrigues me the most. My tastes in genres vary from comedy to action to psychological, but my favorite is BL.

Recently, I've been balancing watching anime and reading manga.

The picture made for my profile header is themed around moments from "Hashihime of the Old Book Town." I highly recommend it for a fun murder mystery romance. The girl though, is Satou from "Happy Sugar Life." It's a good pick for fans of GL and horror.


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Days: 47.5
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Mamotte! Lollipop
Mamotte! Lollipop
Mar 2, 12:01 AM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Shugo Chara!
Shugo Chara!
Mar 2, 12:01 AM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Mar 1, 11:57 PM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 108.7
Mean Score: 5.77
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Doukyuusei A
Doukyuusei A
Mar 12, 3:49 PM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 6
Koi to wa Baka de Aru Koto da
Koi to wa Baka de Aru Koto da
Mar 12, 3:46 PM
Plan to Read · Scored -
Double Suicide
Double Suicide
Mar 12, 3:39 PM
Completed 6/6 · Scored 5

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-YaoiBoy- Mar 15, 11:19 AM
Understandable :p well, feel free to take as much time as you want :) and if you feel like you don't have much to add - that's fine too :p
-YaoiBoy- Mar 8, 7:45 AM
Thank you ^_^ yeah, I had a pretty nice time I'd say :) and sorry if my previous message was too long and overloaded you with information lol once you go down the memory lane, it can be a bit hard to stop reminiscing :p
-YaoiBoy- Jan 17, 9:35 PM
I thought your username was amusing when I first saw it because it seemed as if you were introducing some friend Ibis instead of yourself :p "Okay, your friend is Ibis, but who are you? A mystery!" lol It was established that your friend is Ibis, and your alias is Heron, but your true identity is still shrouded in mystery :p what was the BL title with Heron in it, by the way? :)
Yeah, unless I suddenly come up with something better and more meaningful, I might as well stick with the one I have, for better or worse.

I loved the presentation and stylization in Slow Damage! And yes, Lamento also has an interesting UI, stylization etc., as do their other VNs :) I do consider Lamento my 2nd favorite after Dramatical Murder, but more on that below :p and I also hope I'll enjoy Hashihime. Maybe it'll hold a special place in my heart as well :) I sure hope so! But nowadays I decided to go through a bunch of familiar things and re-experience them, and it'll probably take quite a few more months (some games especially can take a loooong time, phew), so I'm not sure when I'll get to anything new. But it's fine :) going on this journey down the memory lane is very important too, even though I do occasionally miss experiencing new things, and I just don't feel like mixing old and new for the time being, I guess.

Oh, interesting :) even Pokemon can lead to BL, it seems lol I was always more of a Digimon person myself :p as for Pokemon, I watched the anime as a kid and liked it for a period of time, but then it suddenly started to incredibly annoy me for some reason, so I never touched anything Pokemon-related after that :) I guess it wasn't meant to be. You had a broader interest! I may have watched a few TV dramas and read a few things that were kind of BL-related, but I was always mainly focused on VNs and manga :) I'd say that I'm still a "BL novice" compared to a lot of other people because it was more about the strength of impact rather than the quantity. So, I never tried to rush through tons of BL works and always took it pretty slowly.

As for my own story, it's funny that I can't really remember what my first piece of BL media was lol I asked you this question and then realized that I can't really answer it myself :p probably some anime or some manga recommended by a fujoshi acquaintance, or maybe I found it myself. No idea! I guess it's kind of sad that I don't know, but it's not really important because my encounter with Dramatical Murder is where it all truly started :) but it actually wasn't my first BL VN - Enzai was! I guess I should give it credit because it definitely left a big impact on me due to how scary, disturbing and tragic it was, and you could say that without ever playing Enzai, I might have never decided to try another BL VN, namely Dramatical Murder.
On that fateful evening of February 23rd in 2015 I started my 1st route in Dramatical Murder :p never really expecting anything unusual, but by the time I was done with it, it ended up invoking in me some absolutely incredible emotions that I didn't think were possible. The impact was truly otherworldly. Before playing that VN, I thought being in love was the strongest and longest feeling I could've experienced in life - I was wrong! It was definitely something more, and while I certainly don't expect other people to be affected by it in the same way - I just wanted to illustrate how incredible and life-altering that whole experience was in a certain way. Then I decided to draw it out for as long as possible, so that I could finish both the main game and its expansion (feels weird to apply this term to a visual novel lol but seems fitting in this case) Dramatical Murder Re:connect on my birthday on March 7 (me and my weird little rituals). Overall, I loved Re:connect even more than the main game. As far as I remember, I managed to finish it at least around the time I planned, but it wasn't the end of it! So strong was the impact of DmmD on me that I kind of permanently lived in a "Dramatical Murder state of mind", for lack of a better term, for around half a year. I don't really know how to explain it :) it's not just constantly listening to its soundtrack to keep it "closer to heart" every day or maybe remembering parts of it, but it's as if it was inside of me all the time, serving as an inspiration for everything I did. That's the best I can explain it, I guess. I'm sure you can somewhat understand what I mean! And that inspiration certainly did its job because I managed to accomplish more in those ~6 months when it comes to improving my life and doing what I wanted to do than ever before. I wouldn't say that I felt like I could do anything per se, but it was certainly a very similar state of being. Unfortunately, I guess all things come to an end :) and during a random argument with an acquaintance ~6 months later something inside of me broke and that feeling was gone. That argument wasn't even related to Dramatical Murder or anything close, so I have no idea why it "broke the spell" T_T but it did. Nevertheless, even though it was gone, the overall impact it had on me obviously didn't disappear, and I still often used DmmD as a "sustenance", both during bad and good times, and continue to do so. And this year is my 10th anniversary! But I guess I'll be properly celebrating it next year (hopefully) due to circumstances. Still, I plan on at least going through some things inside the game(s) this year, remembering and contemplating :)

Wow, this turned out to be a lot longer than I expected lol sorry for the mini novel :p but I guess it's a great way to illustrate where I'm coming from when it comes to BL :) as for other Nitro+Chiral VNs, maybe I should leave them for another mini novel in my next message lol but no, it definitely won't be as long :) all I can say is that after my Dramatical Murder experience I took a veeeeery long break from any BL VNs because I certainly needed it :p that was just too much to handle.
-YaoiBoy- Jan 17, 12:19 PM
Oh, you were faster than me :p thanks for the friend request :) I'm majorly spacing out these days, but I'll respond soon!
Haylen Jan 12, 2:37 PM

Hello and Happy Holidays!

I wanted to send a quick message to say thank you
for your Secret Santa gift! It was super duper cute and I got
so excited! I hope you get the chance to read Sketch eventually,
it’s such a nice story! (It is kinda smutty just be warned)
Thank you!

-YaoiBoy- Jan 7, 1:48 PM
Yeah, even though I'm not particularly familiar with Final Fantasy or JRPGs in general, I recognized that chocobo bird lol well, no one said they all have to be real :p not familiar with the short story, though. I just like birds in general and watching them is fun and calming for me (and yes, long-necked ones are cute too!). Chocobo for Backloggery makes sense lol where did Corvus come from, if it's not a secret? :)

And very cultured too :p every time I'd try to feed some birds, pigeons would just behave like a mob in their typical fashion, while magpies would very elegantly pick outlying pieces of food instead of going crazy with the crowd lol jackdaws and crows would also behave in a very "well-mannered" way.

In any case, that's a good meaning to put behind it :) I really struggled with my username since MAL was the first time I made an "official" username that was meant to last and used in other places. It was supposed to signify the impact BL visual novels had on my life, but I also wanted to include some things that I really love in general - like rain, for example. "What kind of username would reflect all the things I hold most dear, in media or otherwise?" is what I was thinking at first, but it just seemed impossible to do :) even coming up with a BL-related username that didn't sound too dirty and served its purpose was a big struggle (not that I minded it being dirty, but it just wasn't the purpose). In the end, I just gave up and somewhat appropriated a name my friend once used in a game lol because at least it had some reference to BL in it, the most important part I wanted it to reflect, and it seemed fun, at the very least. I'm still not "far in too deep" with this username, so I'm contemplating if there are any ways to modify it to look more meaningful in my eyes, but I still like for what it is. If I plan on using it everywhere, I'd rather it be as perfect as possible.

Oh, and was Slow Damage your first Nitro+Chiral VN? Or have you played some before? What got you interested in BL in the first place? Always interesting for me to ask people that question :)
Still haven't gotten to Hashihime of the Old Book Town, but it will happen...someday :p
-YaoiBoy- Jan 6, 6:55 AM
Good, good :p you didn't seem too active here (well, I was just judging based on the comment section and posts, of course), so I assumed that maybe it was too imposing :) but I'm glad that it's not.

I like your bird theme, by the way lol too bad there is no magpie featured, but at least there is a crow/corvus :p I guess that's close enough.
-YaoiBoy- Jan 1, 9:38 AM
Thank you :3 Happy New Year to you as well! Oh, and you have a new profile picture :p

I hope you don't mind me writing in your comment section :) maybe it's too unexpected and unnerving that someone is just invading it out of nowhere. If so, then I apologize :)
-YaoiBoy- Dec 26, 2024 1:23 PM
Your comment section looks a bit lonely :p today is my Slow Damage anniversary, so to speak, and I remembered your beautiful forum set :)
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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