I rate according to enjoyment. I think that is the right way to rate things. At least in terms of en masse. Some people argue that rating through art, story, characters, etc, etc is better because it lets people know the strengths and weaknesses of the shows, and thus it's easier to determine if the show is something for those looking at your scores/reviews. I agree, IF it's on an individual level. In other words, if you only plan on looking on one score/review. I respect people who try and rate it that way. But for an overall score that MAL uses, surely an enjoyment rating is far more useful. There is a disconnect; there are for sure anime on MAL that should be higher rated, and some that should be lower rated if everyone truly rated by enjoyment. So since I am not a reviewer, I will rate the anime I have watched by how much I enjoyed them.
I will also try and use the whole scale. If you currently don't use the whole scale, consider starting. If you only rate with scores 5-9, then what is the point of the other six possible scorings?!? The point here is to not consider 10/10 as a perfect, holy anime, and 1/10 as something so bad that you want to cut your eyes out. Just set the worst you have ever watched as 1/10 and the best at 10/10! Don't rate according to how it would be if a imaginary 1/10 horribly bad anime actually existed within those that you have watched! This may require that you rerate some stuff sometimes, but overall, I think you could better describe what you like and don't like.
Currently, my rating correspond to the following:
10: Exceptional (up to perfect)
9: Great
8: Very Good
7: Good
6: Fine
5: Average
4: Acceptable
3: Mediocre
2: Bad/boring
1: Very bad (down to absolutely horrible)
My list contains some short thoughts I have for most Anime titles. These may contain spoilers.
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