I enjoy listening to music alot! some of my fav artists are; Chase Atlantic, (gonna see
them live this year !!)
Ateez, Wave to earth, Mac Demarco and alot more!
Any artist or song recommendations are always welcome !
If you would like to add me on discord my @ is: Taecyeonn
Yakusoku no neverland 1x
Demon slayer 1x
Kakegurui 1x
I rate based on my enjoyment! So not Animation, Art style, Etc...
I honestly stopped watching anime, but I am looking forward to a few coming out this year. I do sometimes read manga/Manhwa though!! Instead ive been watching some C- and K-dramas :)
You have good taste, I still listen to all those groups myself!
bts were the first group I ever got into in feb 2017, and they’re still the only one I really keep up with today hehe,,, It took me a few months before I actually started stanning other groups, but then i listened mostly to boy groups too for a while. I got really into nct, exo, monsta x, got7 and seventeen. When txt, ateez and stray kids debuted they all became some of my favorites too :D
In 2018 I kinda switched to a girlgroup stan because I absolutely fell in love with loona, red velvet, twice and wjsn. Some other ggs i would recommend are apink, gwsn, cherry bullet and dreamcatcher! music taste is very subjective tho, so my taste might not be for you at all haha
Now my favorite groups are bts and loona, but is till listen to exo, nct, twice, red velvet and ateez + songs from other groups I liked back then and still adore now! As for biases I never really had an ult, but Haechan and Jaehyun from NCT were some of my favorite singers, and I collected a lot of Choerry from loona’s merch!
Hii, thanks for accepting too! And yeah she’s my main so I have to show her some appreciation haha
But I’m doing pretty good (besides from a dumb hangover lol), I’m just trying finish some of the shows I’m currently watching~ I hope you’re doing great too!!
I see you listen to some kpop groups! I used to be a kpop stan back in 2017-19 but now I’m more of a casual listener :P Do you have an ult group and bias? If so I’d love to know who :D
Oh yesss I was pretty into Kpop around 2018-2019 but sadly kinda fell out of it, though I still have some certified bops on my playlist that I listen to alot ofc. My dad gave me so much shit though and for what?! I am gonna watch Queendom 2 though so maybe I'll get more involved for a bit ^^
Oh wow. I started playing on Albedo's first banner. First time I won 50/50 was on Hu Tao's banner, then I lost to Diluc on Venti's rerun (even tho I was sad I didn't get Venti I was also happy I got Diluc cause he's one of my favorite characters). Then I won 50/50 on Kazuha, accidentally on Childe's last rerun and also on Itto's banner. And I literally got Eula nine pulls after I got Mona.
Also got Keqing back to back after I got Skhward Harp on standard banner. But I lost 50/50 trying to get Staff of Homa and got Elegy T.T
I was lucky, I lost 50/50 to Qiqi but then got Xiao back to back. Same thing happened when I got Eula on her rerun but with Mona. My luck has been a but crazy with getting 5 stars.
All Comments (161) Comments
bts were the first group I ever got into in feb 2017, and they’re still the only one I really keep up with today hehe,,, It took me a few months before I actually started stanning other groups, but then i listened mostly to boy groups too for a while. I got really into nct, exo, monsta x, got7 and seventeen. When txt, ateez and stray kids debuted they all became some of my favorites too :D
In 2018 I kinda switched to a girlgroup stan because I absolutely fell in love with loona, red velvet, twice and wjsn. Some other ggs i would recommend are apink, gwsn, cherry bullet and dreamcatcher! music taste is very subjective tho, so my taste might not be for you at all haha
Now my favorite groups are bts and loona, but is till listen to exo, nct, twice, red velvet and ateez + songs from other groups I liked back then and still adore now! As for biases I never really had an ult, but Haechan and Jaehyun from NCT were some of my favorite singers, and I collected a lot of Choerry from loona’s merch!
But I’m doing pretty good (besides from a dumb hangover lol), I’m just trying finish some of the shows I’m currently watching~ I hope you’re doing great too!!
I see you listen to some kpop groups! I used to be a kpop stan back in 2017-19 but now I’m more of a casual listener :P Do you have an ult group and bias? If so I’d love to know who :D
I'll have my finals soon so I am pretty busy as well, I can understand you. Math is a Menace (ㆆ_ㆆ)
Xiao Mains ARISEEEE, also I am really excited for the 2.6 Update, are u pulling for someone?
I've been saving for Ayato since a month, guaranteed, my pity is 30 and I have 45 pulls
everything prepared for him too lol, the grind never stops.
IVE is a recent group and they pretty popular. Wonyoung from IZ*ONE is in this group.
Also got Keqing back to back after I got Skhward Harp on standard banner. But I lost 50/50 trying to get Staff of Homa and got Elegy T.T
Ye, crossing fingers! ^^
Thank you and you too ^^