a jumping apparition ShinAya is important | Echo Protection Squad Bamco pls give Kresnik Bros happiness apparently (still) a massive KagePro fantrash | Super PandoraHearts Level (SPHL) Despair since Oct 26, 2014 will never get over ToLink and Unlight's closure
Best Boy and Girl + OTP on each fandom
How I rate my entries on spoiler
If it's original or at least I read/watch them without knowing the original source:
10: ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT HOMINAHOMINA 9: The story and/or character development makes me think, leaves an impact. Memorable. 8: Very nice, good going. Satisfied. 7: Good enough, meets my expectations before reading/watching. Some faults here and there but still okay. 6: Aah, okay OR it begins well but there are some obvious problems about it. Readable/watchable enough to fill some spare time. 5: There are some goods here but the faults outweigh them for me, though I can see why people may like them OR indifferent about these titles here. Meh. 4: There are still some stories and/or characterization left here but REALLY not my cup of tea. Can't help but disliking it. 3: Maybe still readable/watchable for some people but I'm hating it with a passion. GAH. 2: Horrible storytelling and characterization. Please help the author. 1: Why is this even being made.
If it's adaptation which I already knew the story beforehand, all of the above plus:
10: EXCEEDS MY EXPECTATIONS 9: Cannot find any faults. Perfect adaptation. 8: Enjoyable to be read/watched eventhough I already know the story before hand. Really nice. 7: A little bit boring when I'm on the scenes I don't really care about. Some faults here and there but still okay to be read/watched. 6: The wrongly adapted scenes start glaring at me in the face. But at least passable enough to be read/watched. 5: So many things go wrong with this. But at the very least still okay for more publication of the title, I guess. 4: Maybe there are really some tolerant people who'll like this. But not me. 3: Nothing good about it. It's just plain bad. 2: Can rant for hours about everything wrong with this. Hating it with a passion. 1: This adaptation should have never happened.
Some of my favorites: besides the ultimate listed on Mugi's MAL lists, in alphabetical order
Male Characters
Akabane Karma (Ansatsu Kyoushitsu)
Archer (Fate/stay night)
Guy Cecil (Tales of the Abyss)
Kannadzuki Iku (Tsukiuta.)
Li Tsubasa (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE)
Minagi Tsuzuru (A3!)
Seto Kousuke (Kagerou Project)
Tachibana Makoto (Free!)
Usui Kazuyoshi (SKET Dance)
Wakamatsu Hirotaka (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun)
Female Characters
Ann (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
D-ne (Shuuen no Shiori Project)
Gumi (Vocaloid)
Ilyasviel von Einzbern (Fate/stay night)
Kushina Anna (K Project)
Lico (Futago no Mahoutsukai Lico & Gli)
Sakura Chiyo (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun)
Shiodome Miuna (Nagi no Asu kara)
Shirogane Naoto (Persona 4)
Yazawa Nico (Love Live! School Idol Project)
Mascot Characters
Ditto (Pokemon)
Janta (PandoraHearts)
Mokona (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE)
Monokuma (Danganronpa)
Orang (Unlight)
Pakka (Giant Killing)
Patamon (Digimon Adventure)
Tenko (Ueki no Housoku)
Tokunaga (Tales of the Abyss)
Tony Tony Chopper (One Piece)
ArataChihaya (Chihayafuru)
CD (Shuuen no Shiori Project)
IonAnise (Tales of the Abyss)
KaruMana (Ansatsu Kyoushitsu)
KyonYuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu)
MiyaGumi (Vocaloid)
MochiTama (Tamako Market)
OzEcho (PandoraHearts)
ShinAya (Kagerou Project)
ShoumaRingo (Mawaru Penguindrum)
Mugi really hopes we can be friends though, friend requests are welcome! ^_^
Oh you might be able to read it on a pc. Or a laptop i suppose(I mean i worked hard on it so it would be shame if u cant read it tbh. Though i dont really mind tbh)
True.....you are like a detective. I saw your profile comments and you backtrack how people got to know you. BTW, nice to meet you fellow fan of giant killing series
Oh, so there's probably no way to read it in English, is there? Anyway, thanks for the reply. I'll just be reading the older chapters as they get translated then as I have so far
Hello there, I've seen you've opened discussion threads about Giant Killing and I wanted to ask you where you read the newest chapters. My problem is that I can't find anything beyond chapter 340 and since you're so much further ahead than that I figured I'd just ask
All Comments (12) Comments
And you're welcome~
Haha you probably saw that in JewellTH's signature right?