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Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Kan
Apr 2, 2020 5:36 PM
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Oya ga Urusai node Kouhai (♀) to Gisou Kekkon Shitemita.
Mar 12, 2020 10:48 PM
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Sorry! It's been almost a year, hasn't it?...
Uwah...I've been pre-occupied with myself to the point of ignoring everyone else.
But yeah, I liked Katawa Shoujo a lot. I never ended up finishing Lily or Emi's route completely, though. Not a big fan of those girls. Suzune was my favourite.
A sequel can't exist because Ishida and Shouko communicating properly would leave nothing to write about HOWEVER if the pair doesn't communicate there can't be a sequel in the first place. But since job security is not common nowadays especially in Japan, so when perspective of income appeared the mangaka took the challenge of breaking the roof and making the impossible possible. How does she attempts to pierce the heavens with her pencil?
By freezing the protagonist duo in time and space and making the side cast do all the work!
So simple yet so brilliant. But before that plan can be pulled off two obstacles arrive - first the oneshot was ridiculously oversimplified, with every character being equipped with either black or white morals no gray zones in between and there were barely any other characters beside the main, since they served only to advance the plot without getting any development. So to fix these empty cardboards the manga resolves to retconning.
I don't agree entirely with what he has to say in the review (particularly what he has to say about Ishida's development), but I certainly see at least some of the points he makes. It's very difficult for me to articulate my feelings toward Koe no Katachi in complete coherence, but I can say that I did enjoy it a lot, even if it had some narrative flaws. One thing that bothered me was the lack of focus on Ishida and Nishimiya's supposedly romantic relationship, and I thought that the vast majority of their interaction with each other felt quite hollow and superficial. It's been a while since I read it (so bare with me), but I don't remember the two leads ever talking a lot about themselves to each other; it feels like they never really got to know each other well and instead talked about things like the movie they were making, or about her sister or just about anything except themselves. I may be remembering that completely wrong, but I do remember feeling that their romance felt underdeveloped. They didn't touch on it enough for my tastes, and I don't think it was a matter of subtlety in their development, either.
In spite of all the criticism I have for it, I really, really enjoyed Koe no least for the first 45-ish chapters. It started to slow down a bit near the end, but it was gold to me otherwise. It isn't as if the one-shot is all that much better, but I prefer it for having a much tighter narrative with smooth plot progression. I didn't care for some of the retconning at first when I started to read the extended manga, but in hindsight, I do actually like some of the retconning for both events and Ishida's characterisation. I'd love to see the movie adapt both the one-shot and the extended manga, throwing in the best elements from each of them. If it could make the plot progression more smooth and cut out some of the padding in the extended manga, and take some of Ishida's characterisation in the original (I liked him more when he was less sympathetic), I think it has some fantastic potential to be a near-masterpiece. I am worried that things might go too fast in the movie, though. Oh, and anime original ending, please.
^Sorry for articulating my thoughts in a real jumble. Also, my feelings toward Koe no Katachi are liable to change if I ever re-read it (my first-time opinions are never really firm).
I'm more-or-less blind to any flaws that Hana to Alice: Satsujin Jiken has, so it's impossible for me not to ramble on in complete positivity. They're essentially the same write-up, it's just that the MAL one has less content and worse writing (though some of the writing on the subreddit version is still outdated and lacks the style and feel I've picked up over the past two months). I hope you like it as much as I do!
It has been a while since I've seen Disappearance as well, but you make a very good point, particularly this part:
This is my opinion: it wouldn't feel right if Kyon wasn't excessively narrating his thoughts. That's about all there is to my point; you summed it up quite well, but I do see the analyst's point and agree with it on some fronts. I'm half-way in-between and leaning more toward your side of the argument. Also, I've never heard non-Crispin Freeman Kyon. Always watched Haruhi in English dub. I have yet to see 2001: A Space Odyssey, and doubt I will get around to seeing it (probably not my type of film).
For Oregairu: In Oregairu, the narration is Hachiman's internal monologuing, which is basically just a slightly more sophisticated version of Mr. Robot's narration (which I'm loving at the moment; only seen two episodes though). It's a really big part of what makes Hachiman, Hachiman. To sum it up with a passage from the second season:
Haruno: "Always trying to read between the lines, I like that, you know. I mean, it's adorable how you're constantly living in fear of malice."
Haruno: “You’re like a monster of rationality,”
Hachiman: “I’m not.”
Haruno:“Fine, then you’re a monster of self-consciousness.”
Hachiman needs to analyse absolutely everything around him and understand everything that's going on beacuse he's so afraid of coming to another misunderstanding and suffering for it. It's an integral part of who Hachiman is; he's constantly living in fear of malice from others. It's all these different thought processes and doubts about both himself and others running through his mind at all times. Not that it doesn't get grating sometimes, but the way the light novel and Hachiman is written doesn't really allow for it to be adapted any other way. I haven't watched/read Oregairu for a long time, so while I would like to ramble on about Hachman for a few hundred paragraphs, I'm out of touch with it.
I've received it and I'll get back to your PM soon (not sure how soon though)!
New Koe no Katachi PV
This looks surprisingly good; I didn't think about how much of an effect it being adapted into a visual and auditory medium could have on the story, but god that scream was amazing. Looks like it's adapting the 62-chapter version and not the 62-page one-shot. Meh. Has potential if it doesn't drag on as long as the manga, and the art/animation is awesome. The soundtrack isn't so bad either. Hype.
So, my favourite anime, my favourite anime film, and my favourite film of all time is Hana to Alice: Satsujin Jiken, and I'm going to recommend it to you. If you want to get a feel for the film, watch this. I also wrote at length about it on the subreddit and wrote a review on MAL (essentially the same thing) if you want to read either of them. I love this film a LOT.
I love The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, but I also think this video is on point about 'showing, rather than telling'. It's an interesting watch.
Some stuff I'm looking forward to:
Kimi no Na wa
High Score Girl
3-Gatsu no Lion
Girlish Number
Kagerou Daze: In a Days
Koe no Katachi
Kuzu no Honkai
Little Witch Academia (TV)
Magical Suite Prism Nana
Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku
Mahoutsaki no Yume Hoshi Matsu Hito
Zaregoto Series