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Days: 304.1
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Days: 65.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries223
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Yuri no Aida ni Hasamareta Watashi ga, Ikioi de Futamata shiteshimatta Hanashi
Nov 19, 8:29 AM
Plan to Read
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All Comments (38) Comments
replied almost 2 years later im crying thats funny
Feel free to talk, anytime!
What's up? Anything good you've been watching lately?
just peeped you replied after I send the last message at october 29 LMAOOO
I have the DVD boxsets for xxxHOLiC but I've only watched like 8 or 9 episodes. Other things kept coming along and distracting me from it because it was quite a gentle series. It was surprisingly dark at times as well though. I often wondered about the title. Do you think it's an allusion to the fact she's an alcoholic? She was gettin tipsy on the saki in like nearly every episode lol. Oh, I loved one of the ending songs, Kagerou by Buck-Tick. F**king Rock-tastic :)