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HanamiDango Jun 4, 2024 7:28 AM
Yeah, I liked Tachiyomi. It was nice, so I'll probably check out Mihon.

I prefer MangaDex as well. When that went down a while back I used MangaSee (which is identical to MangaLife... I don't know which one came first).

Yeah, I play Azur Lane.
The devs seems to listen to the fans to a greater extent than usual as well. Overall, as gachas go a very easy going game.
I haven't played any of the Assassin's Creed games but I kow of them. Well, a few of them since there seems to be a million of them. One for every civilization throughout history. :P Are they any good?

I haven't watched Monogatari yet. It's on my ptw I think, but I haven't gotten around to actually watch it.
I might check out Tower of God. I'm not a fan of action or manhwa but since you recommend it I feel a little curious.

Oh, good luck on that! (Or if I'm late: I hope it went well!)

I'm doing alright. Haven't felt well for a while now but I'm getting there. I'm off to a 4-day heavy metal festival tomorrow, which is nice. Four days of sitting in a beach chair, drinking beer, listening to good music with cool people is exactly what I need now.
The summer is here as well. Very hot and humid. I'm not a big fan but after several months of darkness it's nice with something different.
How about you?
HanamiDango Mar 5, 2024 12:39 AM
Yeah, I read about it when it got taken down. I liked Tachiyomi so it sucks that it got shut down. I haven't taken the time to check out Mihon yet. Is it good? I don't read that much manga so for the time being reading in the browser works fine.

Haha, can't go wrong with shrine maidens! (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b
If you have the time the game is the best place to start since that's the regular story. Most of the spin-offs like Queen's Orders and Slow Ahead are more easy-going SoL side stories. It depends on what you want to get out of it. The game is F2P friendly as in no characters or equipment behind paywalls and the gacha is kinda generous. They give you quite a lot of premium currency for free during some events and when some pesky bug shows up.

Oh, I haven't really thought about it that way but now that you mention it I realized I've always enjoyed the finishing notes as well. They do complain about being busy and occasionally cutting corners. :P (I don't blame them, being a mangaka seems like very hard work).

So what are you up to these days?
HanamiDango Jan 17, 2024 1:00 AM
Sorry it took me a while to get back to you. Happy belated New Year! (Nice picture! ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡ )

Yeah, I don't like those kinds of sites. Is it Tachiyomi you're referring to? If that's the case it's very bad timing since they shut down (the bastards!). :( I used Tachiyomi when I was away from my computer since I'm not to keen on reading on the small screen. If I had a tablet I'd use it there instead but that's too late now anyway... ┐(‏‏‎ ´∀`‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ )┌

I get you! Me too for the most part. I totally missed that Oozora Naomi had a role in Ikenaikyo despite her voice being very distinct...
If I may make a recommendation I'd just like to say that Koshimizu Ami is great in Edomae Elf. It's kinda slow-paced, a bit melancholy at times but mostly just enjoyable. In no small part thanks to her voice.
Kakuma Ai plays serious, mature characters OR small, tiny girls. Takao vs Unicorn in Azur Lane for example. So she also has some range.

No, I don't. I don't know enough of the industry to recognize a particular directors style for example. I'd might follow some mangakas but since I mostly watch anime it's the VA's that stick out the most.

KyoryuDS Jan 4, 2024 2:12 AM
happy new year :)
KyoryuDS Dec 26, 2023 4:57 AM
are you excited for solo leveling adaption coming soon
HanamiDango Dec 26, 2023 12:50 AM
I have four completely full bookshelves in my "study" (it's not really a study as such but it's the room where I have my desk, computer and books so study will have to do.)

Speaking of monstergirl boobs; do you know a safe where I can read this for free online?

HanaKana is almost always a treat. She brings a lot of energy into her roles, as do Rieri. Yukari Tamura is great when she's voicing bratty characters and Aoi Koga is just adorable in general. Good picks.
Like I said earlier, I'm quite bad at picking out voices. I have watched an entire series without realizing one of the characters was voiced by a favourite VA but when I went back and listened I realized and could hear it was her. (or so I'd like to think, maybe I just told myself I knew... :P)
My favourite VA's come mostly from the fact that they do a lot of my favourite characters. Kakuma Ai does Takao from Azur Lane, Sento Izusu from Amagi Brilliant Park and Nonko from Yuragi-sou no Yuuna for example. Oozora Naomi is generally great as a brat: Uzaki-chan, Satania, Jahy-sama, Maou from Lv1 Maou to One Room Yuusha and Kiriha from Tsugumomo. Kuwahara Yuuki mainly because of Tohru but also because her voice is very cute. Koshimizu Ami has got range. From a badass like Matoi Ryuuko to a weak hikikomori like Elda. Always good. And lastly Arai Satomi is just generally weird to me. I've been a fan since I watched Re:Zero and her portrayal of Beatrice. She's great in Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai as well.
I'm not generally a fan of male VA's as well. I do like Suwabe Junichi though. He's got that mature, calm voice that really sticks with me.

I hope you enjoy Hyakkano. I'm sad that it's almost over but a second season is confirmed so I'm good!
KyoryuDS Dec 18, 2023 6:00 AM
nice, i've also read some as well the past few months.
stinghy Dec 8, 2023 2:01 PM
Hello Mr_XIII,

Because webtoons are almost entirely published in digital format only, we added an exception to our guidelines to allow many of these entries (since these are series people wanted to add to their lists). To not open a floodgate and get overwhelmed, as of June 2022, we only whitelisted a few platforms to start: Cycomics, GANMA!, KakaoPage, Lezhin Comics Webtoon, and Naver Webtoon. So any series that start exclusively (i.e. not a multi-platform simulrelease) on these platforms are eligible. We hope to add more platforms to the whitelist in the future, but I have no information on when that might be.

However, any series published in print in Korea, no matter the platform, is eligible. That's why we have pages for sites like Toomics and Bomtoon, even though they aren't on the whitelist.
KyoryuDS Dec 7, 2023 6:02 AM
I'm good, just been busy haven't watched anything's new lately. How about you?
HanamiDango Nov 28, 2023 1:13 AM
I have all volumes so far of Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, all but one of Plus-sized Elf, complete Nichijou and the first 13 volumes of Komi Can't Communicate, as well as a few odd volumes here and there. I prefer reading a physical book over reading on the screen but if I needed to buy everything I wanted to read to be able to read it then I wouldn't read much manga at all... :P
Cool, you have a plan! :) I wish you luck!

I have fairly low standards as well. Or not, don't really know. I'm happy as long as I'm entertained. Monstergirl boobs help with that for sure.

Well, she wasn't that hot I'll admit. She'd beyond Disney villain ugly.

Tbh I'm not that good at hearing who voices which character at first (unless it's Hayami Saori, Kayano Ai or Oozora Naomi).
All the VA's in your favourite are good. What made you like them? A particular role or personality or something?
I hear what you're saying. With that though, almost every time I watch a second season of an anime I like it's not as good. Not necessarily bad, but still not as good. (The only exception I can think of is Amanchu! Advance, which was just lovely and sweet.

Yeah, the downside is that I can't keep up with my PTW! :(
Now that I've seen some more episodes I have to say that Hyakkano have really grown on me. It's so stupid and silly but still manages to be good.
If you decide to watch Houkago Teibou Nisshi, please let me know your thoughts!

I know, right? She's the cutest! ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡
HanamiDango Oct 25, 2023 12:49 AM
I've read the first volume. There are a few manga that I really like to own physical copies of and Monster Musume is one of them, so I'm working on getting them all (I have the nine first volumes so far).

Is good actual plot essential for you or is it enough with hot monster girls? If the monster girls+ecchi are the most important thing I think I can find a few manga for you.

Snot is kinda disgusting, tbh. I checked out the snot guy and he is indeed rather ugly.
Who is the very ugly character you're referring to? It makes me curious. :P
I very much understood that you're not talking about a real person so no worries there. :)

"Edgy" is such an overused word so I don't take people calling things that serious. :/ I like the artstyle of Psycho-Pass and there are a few VAs I'm fond of so I'll add it to my list so I wont forget about it.

I've watched the first season of Kaguya-sama and liked that one very much. I've been planning to read the manga as well as watch the other seasons, but you know...priorities.
No worries, just ask. I can't rememeber much so I don't expect others to do it either. :P I liked the first season quite a lot. It was a nice mix of fun and serious and most characters was very likeable (to me). I'd say try it if you have the time and drop it if it isn't to you liking.
Added Imouto sae Ireba Ii as well. I saw Kakuma Ai had a main role in it and she's always nice.
I'm watching quite a lot of seasonals. So far I'd say Dekoboko Majo no Oyako Jijou and Ikenaikyo and Hoshikuzu Telepath are my favourites this season.
I also decided to rewatch Houkago Teibou Nisshi. Just lovely. (If you like iyashikei/SoL)
HanamiDango Oct 2, 2023 12:10 AM
Can't go wrong with a hot centaur, right? ;)

How is your search for ecchi monster girls going? Sadly, I haven't found any other yet.

The designs of One Piece characters is definitely different. I wouldn't say ugly as such, unless we're talking about the weird-looking humans (Wapol for example) or non-humans. Everyone is cartoonish and somewhat goofy-looking though.
I think the pacing is the only thing I can think of that bothers me. Will keep the manga in mind.

Please do tell when you're finished. I usually avoid violence in anime and manga (I prefer happiness and cuteness :P) but if it's not too much or too horrible I'll consider watching it anyway.
HanamiDango Aug 19, 2023 1:12 AM
Miia is super adorable! I like all the girls to an extent but my favourite favourite has to be Cerea.
Well, there's Dragon, Ie wo Kau.. The focus isn't ecchi monstergirls but there are still quite a few hot ones present. There's also Etotama, but it's similar to the dragon one in regards to the fact that the cast is cute and hot demihumans but it's not ecchi.

Yeah, if it's like 12 episodes and isn't bad-bad I finish it as well. Speaking of lots of episodes, I'm amazed at how people have the patience for One Piece. Not that it's bad but I just got bored with how dragged out it was. (I only managed about 80 episodes :P)

That makes sense. If everything else is sub-par the artstyle feels "worse", is that what you're saying?

No, as far as I can tell it isn't fully adapted. Yeah, spoilers suck. I did a little google search to confirm if it was fully adapted but I was cautious. I didn't get spoiled but I got an answer. :P The anime was good fun and an easy watch so you can always go back to it when you finished the manga.
HanamiDango Jul 25, 2023 3:29 AM
Oh yeah, not even this? :P

I'm joking of course. Sometimes you just dislike something. Like me with bugs and you with reptiles. It is what it is and it doesn't mean it's wrong in any way.

I know it's obvious (and difficult) but try not to put to much expectations on yourself like that. Not to the degree that it's destroying your peace of mind.

If you decide to watch Gegege no Kitarou, please let me know what you think. I enjoyed it quite a bit until I just stopped watching at episode 50 and since then I haven't felt like keep watching. I do want to finish it though because it's not bad or anything.

I don't generally pay attention to visuals as such (unless it's really bad and noticeable) but I'd say it's good. The voice acting is good, especially the female MC. A word of warning though, most people (myself included) found at least the first episode not great but considering the fact it's rated 8.28 and a second season got announced I'd say people liked it. What I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't let the first one or two episodes be an indication to wether you'll like it or not.
Yeah, the art style for Jijou wo Shiranai Tenkousei ga Guigui Kuru is kinda simple and childish but I think it suits the anime very well. Of course, if art style is important to your enjoyment maybe you'd just get annoyed by it.
ColourWheel Jul 10, 2023 12:08 PM
There are three main different dialects used in Japan but in Anime you will basically only hear being used is mostly standard Tokyo dialect. Which is the equivalent to a Western non-regional dialect.

The different dialects used in Japan are more subtle than anything else but if you have an ear for it you can tell the difference.

Hokkaido-ben is the dialect mostly used in the northern part of the nation of Hokkaido

Hakata-ben is the dialect spoken in Fukuoka City on the Island of Kyushu

Osaka-ben is the dialect mainly spoken in the Kansai region

Of course there are more dialects used in Japan but you will never hear them unless you actually visit the country and talk to the people in the most rural of areas inside of Japan. Japan has just as many dialects as prefectures which is around 47. Which is actually kind of a lot for a nation the size of the state of California in North America.

Unlike a country like China which uses only Mandarin to represent it's entire country as it's standard language specifically to be represented in it's media entertainment when there are actually eight main different variants that are spoken in China and over hundreds of less common dialects used that sound so inept they are basically almost completely different languages. Although, anything produced in Hong Kong uses Cantonese which is so completely different to Mandarin that it is a different language.

South Korea only has one official language spoken with five different dialects. A contrast completely different compared to a country like Japan.

Both of my parents were multi linguistic translators which is why I think my daughter is so good at it. But they both pursued work for mostly goodwill and not for any amount of money which is why they traveled a lot doing missionary work. I for one was not as special and just never had the natural skill to really do what my parents or even my daughter can do. Even though my parents are both South Korean too they had lots of connections to people in North America and Japan which explains how they knew the languages so well and were naturals at picking up different customs. Also both of my parents grew up in extremely affluent upbringings and environments given opportunities in life most would never see. They basically never had to ever worry about money even if my parents lived like common people. They didn't lavish themselves in any ways to be perceived in the least as extremely wealthy people. Both my parents did not like the fact they were both born into families built on money and I think living lives of mostly missionary work was their way to break away from that. Of course this changed after they retired where they basically don't have a care in the world living more of a peaceful life than most people their age today. It's because they both inherited the wealth of both their parents after they passed away.

I was just spoiled as a child where I didn't have to worry about much but moving around growing up made it difficult for me to get to know a lot of people well enough to establish long lasting childhood relationships. Although the more I did move around the easier it became to completely adjust to new and different surroundings. Probably the main reason why it became easy for me to pick up different languages just being around the people where I would stay if I was there long enough. This on top of being exposed to a different languages at a young age. I am sure if I was to suddenly move to place like France I would likely be able to pick up the language spoken there in less than a couple of years without being formally taught anything. Or at least enough where I could simply survive and communicate with the people on the most basic of levels for an active conversation.

There is an interesting story my father told me once that might have indirectly influenced a fictional language that is use in the Star Trek franchise. I don't know how much of his story is true but if what he told me once is true he might have been the true creator of the fictional language known as Klingon. (although my father has lied to me many times before in the past when telling me stories so I wouldn't proclaim in the least that his stories would be facts).
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