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Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Movie: Kurenai Densetsu
Feb 25, 2023 11:09 PM
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Jotaro Kujo: Old man?
Joseph Joestar: [evil laugh] You're a damn fool, Jotaro!
Jotaro Kujo: You have got to be kidding!
Joseph Joestar: All you did was resurrect yours truly!
Jotaro Kujo: [actives his Stand] Bastard!
Joseph Joestar: WAIT! Calm down, Jotaro! It was a joke, I was just kidding! There's no need to get violent! I'm sorry. I was just trying to have some fun. You have my word, it's me!
[shows off his Stand]
Joseph Joestar: I'm Joseph Joestar. I was born September 27 in 1920. My wife's name is Suzi Q and I collect comics as a hobby.
Jotaro Kujo: ...I have a question for you. Who's the leading actress in "Tarzan the Ape Man"?
Joseph Joestar: Bo Derek!
Jotaro Kujo: Okay, answer this one. Who sang "Eat It", the spoof of "Beat It"?
Joseph Joestar: "Weird" Al Yankovic!
Jotaro Kujo: Good grief... It has to be you. Who else would know pointless crap like that?