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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka V: Houjou no Megami-hen
Feb 27, 2:34 AM
· Scored
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Days: 21.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries22
- Reread0
- Chapters1,811
- Volumes112
All Comments (40) Comments
I was felt compelled to watch Pluto because it was a work by the same author of Monster, but my first watchthrough of the latter happened so long ago that hardly I could connect it as an influence on my opinion about the latter. Perhaps it shouldn't discourage you from watching Monster whenever you can, I recall it as a completely different type of story.
I wouldn't go as far as to say to call it disingenuous, although I think it's fair to say that it's not JUST a harem anime. I recognize in the start of the review that Mushoku touches on quite a few different genres and subgenres, and that there are multiple elements to the show besides just a harem, but it is among these other things still a harem. It is the fact that Mushoku is more than just your bog-standard harem that makes it so insidious, because it allows viewers to try and explain away the harem elements, as you're doing now.
>"Sexual themes are unavoidable... Japanese culture uses ecchi almost like comedic relief, and isn't meant to be taken too seriously"
I have no issue with ecchi elements, which can be inferred pretty readily from my praise of the first season and the first cour of this season, but Ecchi =/= Harem. The fact here is that the harem is not played off for comic relief or even as flippant fanservice. It exists as the emotional climax of a very heavy season, and the show puts in considerable effort to try and get the reader to sympathize with the main character's actions. I mean, they spend multiple episodes building up to the inevitable confession, and even get Norn to play devil's advocate so any worries the viewer might have can be "explained away". Rudy gets on his knees begging, and Roxy runs from the room in tears... are you seriously going to tell me that all of this build-up, explanation, and emotional turmoil on the part of the characters "isn't meant to be taken seriously"? Mushoku treats the harem with the same level of import as all the other dramatic moments in the show, so if I'm not supposed to take this one seriously, am I supposed to take any of it seriously?
>"Mushoku is a coming of age story"
I, too, viewed Mushoku as a coming-of-age tale about a manchild finally growing up, but unfortunately the revelation of a harem is completely antithetical to that idea. It is a complete regression to the initial perversions of Rudy's youth, a sign that, even after all these years, he is still the little degenerate he always was. This is why it is so important, because something as juvenile as a harem could NEVER exist in a true coming-of-age story, especially one where one of the main character's biggest flaws is his incredible horniness. It just completely ruins Rudy's character arc.
>"The main pull at least for me at the start was the whole adventure and high fantasy aspect"
Once again, I'm not denying that Mushoku does a good job pulling off the other elements of its plot. But these other elements exist in tandem with, and perhaps even in service of, something completely reprehensible to me. I'm not saying that you can't continue to enjoy the show for those other elements, but knowing what we do now about the rest of the plot, I can't in good faith continue watching.
>"You being someone who didn't read the source material, I can't blame you for being upset over the last two episodes"
Completely irrelevant. I couldn't care less what the LN did or didn't do with its harem. This is a review of the anime, not the LN, so nothing to do with the "source material" has any bearing here.
>"To completely deconstruct the entirety of what you watched to just being this harem, relationship morality stuff is just stupid."
See replies 1, 2, and 4. In a season where Rudy is reunited with his childhood friend, falls in love with them, and marries them, in a season where Rudy repairs the relationship with his younger sister, saving her from the same fate he knows so well, in a season where Rudy reunites with his father, finally comes to understand him, and loses him tragically in a fight for their lives, in a season with all of this struggle and strife, with all of these poignant emotional moments, the capstone to everything, the climax of it all, is a harem. A fucking harem. And if the show wants to reduce everything I listed to just a harem, I will too.
Mushoku Tenshit + Friegarbage on favorites => L taste