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Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo
Jan 8, 1:13 AM
· Scored
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Days: 17.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries50
- Reread3
- Chapters2,038
- Volumes237
All Comments (7) Comments
I couldn't agree more to your impression of the mobile version! Also the mobile ver. stinks at finding anime that isn't in the "TV" section of any given season, much to my chagrin.
I totally get not retroactively rating anime which aren't fresh. I've noticed that anime (say from the '10s) that I had one feeling for have shifted as I've gained more life experience and I wouldn't rate the same if I'd have seen them last year. Which leads to a conundrum; do I leave it as is or do I alter the rating for where I am now? I digress... Though I do truly appreciate the friend request and this opportunity for dialog, be-it-as-it-may!
(Note: These are all subjective ratings, obviously. I like different things than others, so my ratings will reflect that.)
*Blank: Special/Movie Or So Bad I Didn't Bother To Rate.
*1-3: Bad
1: Worst Thing I Care Enough To Rank (Very Bad)
2: Not Good (Bad)
3: Best of Bad/So Bad It's Good (Pretty Bad)
*4-6: Decent
4: A Little Better Than Bad (Underwhelming)
5: Average (Decent)
6: Not Good, But Slightly Better Than Average (Very Decent/Passable)
*7-9: Great
7: Good, But I Didn't Enjoy It As Much As Some Other Shows (Good)
8: Solid Show (Great)
9: Amazing (Extremely Good)
*10: Excellent/My Favorite Show At The Time (Perfect)