Hey there!
You stumbled upon my profile I see!
Well if you want to learn more about me, I am glad to help you.
I like almost every animes even the ones that makes me sad and that makes my heart ache, it gives me a really sad and emotional feeling but I also love comedy as well because it makes me laugh my ass off. I love romance as well because it is so heartwarming and awesome!! But above all else, you might think I am weird, my friend thinks so xD I like a lot of ecchi and harems animes, maybe it's because it's every guy's dream maybe. Well that's about it!
I rated most of the animes I have watched but it has been such a long time since I have seen them and I am not exactly the person who has the best memory so I just rated them on how I feel about them pretty much Rarely is there an anime that I dislike and rate below 5. I am planning to rewatch all of the animes a second or third or even fourth time (If I feel like it) so I can properly rate these animes.
TL;DR : I am an anime lover and I overrate my animes because I like them too much. My list is rated based on my enjoyment.
Thanks for reading ! !
Well you probably didn't read all that text and skipped to here, or did you ? So I'll say one thing to resume all of that. I LIKE ALMOST EVERY ANIME (except gore) ^.^ Also check my anime list, its awesome :D
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