Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it, have you read 'Battle Royale'? I tried to keep the spoilers to minimum, so I hope you can still enjoy it. It's an amazing manga to read. :)
i am not working, still a college student xD I study Japanese and German in university :3 I am signed up for entering the JLPT N2 so that's taking a lot of my time x.x
The hacker? you mean the one launching the attacks on anime sites or the hacker that leaked the nude pics of celebrities :'3 ?
maybe a little xD I worried if something had happened xD
did you have fun in Amsterdam? :3 talk to me about that *^* what did you do? :3
and A.I. :o !! that seems really complex and difficult, I have a cousin who works in the field of mechatronics in Germany (close enough? xD) I am technologically impaired :'D I hardly know anything about engineering or anything in that field xD
Are you feeling excited? :3 having to learn about artificial Intelligence?
so you are starting uni? :3 what are you planning on studying? :3
Egyptians do lots of things for fun *^* you can hang out at the mall or at a cafe, you can organize a cruise on the nile :3 or you can go ride horses & camels, you'll have to go the Pyramids for that though :'3 plenty of other stuff :3 Egyptians have most fun when they're away at a summerhouse or so :D because then the options start expanding :3
well I am glad it turned out to be nothing serious ^-^
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all the manga in That list are horror, literally.
i am not working, still a college student xD I study Japanese and German in university :3 I am signed up for entering the JLPT N2 so that's taking a lot of my time x.x
The hacker? you mean the one launching the attacks on anime sites or the hacker that leaked the nude pics of celebrities :'3 ?
did you have fun in Amsterdam? :3 talk to me about that *^* what did you do? :3
and A.I. :o !! that seems really complex and difficult, I have a cousin who works in the field of mechatronics in Germany (close enough? xD) I am technologically impaired :'D I hardly know anything about engineering or anything in that field xD
Are you feeling excited? :3 having to learn about artificial Intelligence?
Egyptians do lots of things for fun *^* you can hang out at the mall or at a cafe, you can organize a cruise on the nile :3 or you can go ride horses & camels, you'll have to go the Pyramids for that though :'3 plenty of other stuff :3 Egyptians have most fun when they're away at a summerhouse or so :D because then the options start expanding :3
well I am glad it turned out to be nothing serious ^-^