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Days: 156.2
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- Episodes9,092
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Manga Stats
Days: 153.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries297
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- Chapters24,710
- Volumes2,808
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All Comments (56) Comments
> A 3
You fucking wot m8
Also why are you ignoring your ol' buddies, ashamed are we? :')
Please refrain from reproducing.
I'm not a Naruto fanboy, but I highly respect what's been created by the mangaka. The art is beautiful, which you did not even take in mind when reviewing the manga. To my understanding, though I do not read a lot of manga, the art of one should be highly proportional to its score.
Every reviewer should consider at least 3 aspects when posting a review. Art, characters and plot. All you did was grasp onto the mediocre characters and somewhat leaking/repetitive plot to mark the manga with a harsh review. Had you given it a five or a six I wouldn't even consider writing to you, but 1? So what would you give bleach, which is FULL of inconsistencies and plot holes if you gave naruto a one? -5? Get your facts straight.
I know that you're subjected to your own opinion, but don't try to justify something that's plain wrong.