All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 334.5
Mean Score:
- Watching13
- Completed1,467
- On-Hold2
- Dropped8
- Plan to Watch72
- Total Entries1,562
- Rewatched54
- Episodes19,922
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 398.9
Mean Score:
- Reading212
- Completed1,143
- On-Hold13
- Dropped12
- Plan to Read42
- Total Entries1,422
- Reread0
- Chapters62,176
- Volumes5,272
All Comments (101) Comments
I agree. Are you going to play any of the Fate games?? I always want to play Nier Automata but I am still deciding if I should start with Automata or Drakengard and Replicant.
Oh I see, I saw some opinions on Veilguard and it was very divisive. Have you played any of the Dragon Age games??
Yeah, not a lot of people liked it, I thought the story was below average.
Why you stop using Grouvee??
I think the only thing that gets criticize the most in the sequels are the stories.
5/10?? Damn, I gave it a 6. I wonder if you are going to like the sequels??
It is the first time I see anyone called SMT and Persona that, damn.
Yeah, that was what I was trying to say, it still looks great to this day. I worded that badly.
I am playing Tales of Phantasia and then I will play Destiny 1 and maybe Arise. After that I might start playing the SMT series.
Oh, wow I really like that, the visual was cool.
Who do you choose to start off with??
I hope DQ12 doesn't have that problem.
Really?? I think FF12 still looks great especially for a game that was released on the ps2.
Don't worry, DQ11 doesn't have that problem.
I don't consider myself a Tales fan yet because I have only played 4 Tales games so far.
You are skipping FF12??
Nah, after completing KH Chain of Memories and maybe DQ11 I want to play a few more Tales games.
Oh wow, it looks amazing and on steam as well, I might buy this if it goes on sale.