(I will usually accept friend requests, and will even take random ones, but if you wouldn't mind, please, introduce yourself first!)
I'm just your average anime/manga fan, in addition to being a gamer, and something of an amateur writer (Part of what I've written can be read at the first link under "Also Available at", for the curious. The story in the link is unfinished, but I mean to come back to it, someday. You may find other stories with my name on them, but I think you ought not bother to read them; they're not good).
I can be a bit picky about what I watch and read. For the most part, I enjoy action series, having been watching and reading fighting shonen since I was a kid. I've also developed a fondness for supernatural anime/manga, and I enjoy thrillers, as well. I like some kinds of sci-fi, too, cyberpunk, especially. Mecha is also cool(real robot or super robot, either one's fine by me). Sometimes I might enjoy some mystery, comedy is okay depending on my mood, and there are some adventure and fantasy anime and manga that catch my interest.
However, harems? Ecchi? Not for me. The fantasy of being surrounded by beautiful girls sounds fun and all, but when I try to watch most shows like that I just get bored. Slice of life bores the hell out of me, too. I can get weird about drama, because I don't mind seeing some,(and even like it in my tokusatsu stuff) but watching or reading any anime or manga with a heavy focus on drama isn't really something I can do if there's not much else to keep me interested. Some horror elements in a series is fine, but I never do straight up horror. Same thing with romance, but even then I'll only watch/read if the romance stuff is any good. On occasion I'm willing to try some anime and manga from these genres I dislike... but more often than not, I avoid them.
I've got... weird feelings about moe. I feel many anime/manga tend or overdo it, and it often feels, to me, at least, really fake and forced. I avoid anime/manga that try to entertain with nothing but that, although cute stuff is fine for me from time to time.
I've been going back forth on light novels. My opinion of the medium has been improving after discovering more and more worthwhile ones, but I still think so many of the one that get pushed to the forefront, the ones that are often first in line for adaptions, and get all the attention, good or bad, tend to be derivative, amateur level crap, while the really interesting ones tend to get passed up or forgotten, and it's almost depressing to think about sometimes. Won't stop me from seeking out good ones, though. Mardock Scramble, Boogiepop, Zaregoto, Seraph of the End, Loups=Garous, and Summer of the Ubume are light novels I bought and don't regret reading in the slightest.
I kinda think the same of Visual Novels, and even the ones I like I tend to take forever to get through, with a few exceptions. However, I do believe it's a medium/video game genre/whatever worth getting into. I love 999, absolutely adore Hanachirasu, and also recommend Kikokugai and Saya no Uta to anyone who can stomach some of the more disturbing parts. You'll be rewarded with what I think are some of the best translated VNs. The House in Fata Morgana is a masterpiece that even people who don't like visual novels should experience. Silver Case was also great, if you count it.
Speaking of novels, I decided I would start reading real ones again. After reading A Game of Thrones, my interest in reading was rekindled, but after realizing the series would not finish, I put the books down after finishing A Storm of Swords and haven't looked back. In addition to those, I've also read Steelheart, which is very good, and convinced me to seek out other works from the author. I finished Mistborn: The Final Empire and loved it, so I eventually plan to read the entire series. I also finished Storm Front and loved that, so I'll be getting into the Dresden Files as well.
I've kinda fallen off the toku train, but I do still like it. I was introduced to it through Kamen Rider, and I've been a fan for a few years, now. I loved Kamen Rider W, Kuuga, Agito, Black, OOO, 555, Blade, Ryuki, most of Kabuto, a good deal of Wizard, Gaim, and V3. I liked the movie Kamen Rider: The First. I also watched 40 and Kiva with my little brother, and we both loved those. I keep trying to watch Black RX, but I just can't get into it.
Since I like Kamen Rider, I figured I might try out some other tokusatsu, so I decided to get into Super Sentai. I gave Samurai Sentai Shinkenger a shot and loved it, and I also enjoyed Mahou Sentai Magiranger, Choujin Sentai Jetman, and Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger. Maybe I'll pick Super Sentai back up later. Also, I watched Power Rangers Time Force, which isn't really a toku series I guess, but I feel it's worth mentioning.
As for some other tokusatsu, I loved GARO, and I thought Ultraman Nexus was amazing. (considering getting into the rest of Ultraman but I'm not sure what to expect if Nexus is as different as I heard it was) Choujinki Metalder, Chouseishin Gransazer, and Shougeki Gouraigan, are others I want to watch and was going to before I fell off, and the list has only grown since then. I hope I can get back to watching Toku again someday.
So, yeah, this my profile. Make yourself comfortable. Feel free to look at my lists and stuff. Go ahead and comment if you have something to say. I promise I won't bite you.
Also, to be honest, my scores are pretty arbitrary and probably wouldn't make a lot of sense if you were to ask me about them. Just assume that anything I've rated 6 and above, I liked, or at least I liked things about.
...I have thought about trying to make this shorter, but it couldn't be helped. Congratulations on making it to the end!
All Comments (39) Comments
I think you've been on my list for almost a decade. I just recently logged in to my account after a long while and decided to check who I used to be friends with. Your profile is quite interesting, as our (dis)likes are similar. I also checked one or two chapters of the story you were writing. I liked it very much. I wouldn't say it's perfect, of course, as I assume this probably was the first serious work you sat to write(?), but the style flows easily, it holds our attention, and the concepts you came up with make us want to know what comes next. I'd also say there are many good aspects to the literary side. I can't help but ask: why don't you write more? If I'm correct in saying this was one of your first works, it's crazy what you could achieve through sheer writing and acquiring experience. Anyway, this is just my take! Nice meeting you, though (in case we haven't spoken before!)
Yeah, we haven't talked since we became friends. Ahhh you got a job now huh? That's awesome. People like me are still battling with the struggles of undergraduate studies and it's really hard to see if I'm winning against it to be honest. Well, I'm always checking in to update my lists or when I wanna see if I got any notification. Reply whenever you can.
I hope you do forget to wish me when mine comes, so I can rage on you afterwards buahahahaha. *tongue out* Just joking, take care man. Have a blessed day. Cheers.
so yeah, thats why i send a FR to you.
Yeah, maybe I just have to unpack a zip data or so... Imma try several things later. Thanks for your help. c:
Well, a little introduction which you'll may like (I guess?):
My name is Pauline, I'm 18 and I'm living in germany (that's why my english is broke af.)
I think I don't have to say much about these favourite Anime/Manga/etc. thing, since it's listed here on MAL, but currently I'm obsessed with the Fate-Series. I pretty much dislike hyped stuff, like SnK, Death Note, SAO and so on (not only because it's hyped a lot, more like the Series bored me to death). I don't know what else to say..
Ahh, thanks, I already found this Page yesterday, but neither my PC, nor my Mobile could play those files so I have no clue how to download and read them.