All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 114.3
Mean Score:
- Watching27
- Completed220
- On-Hold51
- Dropped38
- Plan to Watch18
- Total Entries354
- Rewatched41
- Episodes6,912
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 20.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries28
- Reread0
- Chapters3,699
- Volumes266
All Comments (169) Comments
Haikyuu S3 since I m a big fan of sport anime and especially Haikyuu (my 2rd favourite sport anime), bungou stray dogs S2 (I liked it more than the 1st season) it seems to be more serious and dark ! Bloodivores : since I m a big survival game fan, I m enjoying this show ! 3-gatsu no lion : a seinen/SoL anime : I m waiting for more episodes before judging it and finally my little gem for this season Fune wo Amu" a very original SoL anime about making dictionaries ! I m enjoying it so much !
Orange : I really hate Naho and Kakeru's personality ! they really piss me off all the time ! orange was the first romance anime that I really hate its main characters ! I really hate stupid heroin + gloomy male character !
91 days : I share the same point of view as you !
So are you interested by any anime from this season ?
I'd love to live in Germany, I've been there on holiday and it seemed great.
I haven't read the manga so I'm not sure. I think I might like it more also because of Barakamon, not sure if you've watched it. It's a prequel and it's one of my favourites.
Yeah, the section where he's living in the castle was pretty boring coz of no development, and I think repetitiveness also gets in the way. Subaru dies way too many times in a single arc, and like you said, the changes in themes are pretty sudden and ruin it at times. I don't think it's bad, it's just that the MC's character just doesn't develop and he retains his naivety even at the end of the season.
btw, the last ep of orange is out now ! I mgoing to watch it ! it's an hour episode !
Some experiences can change who you are in a slightly more negative way, but yeah, it differs from person to person.
Hahaha, where're you from? Your English is actually pretty good, you must live in Europe right? :P
Yeah, I get ya. A well thought-out block of text is gonna be way more interesting than reading something hard to comprehend,
and then it also makes it harder for the other person to respond.
I love the comedy genre too much I think, which makes me biased, but I think Handa-kun is slightly underrated, but I can understand why.
Not many anime really stood out for me this season to be honest, and I'm not sure the next season is gonna be much better.
Yeah exactly. I think the organisation is only dangerous coz of the boss, and everyone else is just messin around. I quite like Reigen's character though, and the way he influences Mob.
Re:zero still was the most popular anime airing, but I don't really get all the hype. I think it's a 7.5 really, nothing special. What's your opinion on it?
have u watched kimi no na wa ?