I like to read, talk and be with friends,dance for no reason at all, watch anime or read manga, and just be random. I'm a bit weird, sometimes all i want is to be around ppl or talk to someone other times i like total quiet to read or think. I have a fan club on Mal (http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=6231) which has a bit more about me.
This is my kitty form(one of them)
MoonPrincess (I've gotten use to 37 lol)
Club ID's
I Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!if you can raed tihs rpsoet it. OLNY PUT TIHS ON YOUR PRILOFE IF YOU CAN RAED TIHS. CNAHGE THE NMUERBR AT TOP TGOHUH, "ONLY __ PEOPLE IN THE WORLD CAN READ THIS...CAN YOU?" Go up a nmuber if you can raed it...lte's see how hgih we can get
My Broken Heart
My Heart is in two
Because without you
My life drains always
Pains is here to stay
I still feel your hand
Resting next to mine
I still feel your lips
Pressed against mine
Your touch was so warm
But your words were so cold
They cut like a knife
Into my soul
My Hear aches
And I feel ill
For without you
My heat will always be still
No Suppose To I'm not suppose to love u
I'm not suppose to care
I'm not suppose to live my live
wishing you were there
I'm not suppose to wonder
where you are or what you do
I'm sorry I can't help myself
Because I am in Love with you.
Love is always faithful
Love is always pure
Love is always in your heart
and always with her.
Love will never betray you
and neither will she.
Because all she really wants
is happiness in he
The smile on your face
and the smile in her soul
Is all she really needs
To love you through all.
If you ever leave her
She will truly cry
But if u say I Love You
She'll never leave your side
Pain fills the air
To feel the sorrow
My heart stops to stares
For once there is no tomorrow
She runs and runs as far as she can
But where she goes only time can know
Without looking back without a regret
She looks for relief life will not give her
Although she cry's she feels nothing
Emotions have left her only pain will remain
Could this be the endless journey of time
Could she find a helping hand without judging eyes
Will her life fade away with judgment on her soul
Will her heart never be complete whole
If this is all life has to show then let it end
May the souls not be cold
May someone lend a hand and pull them up
Everyone deserves a happy end
My tears of blood flow down my face
They stain my lips with a defiant taste
With nothing left my heart has stopped
Tomorrows light has faded away
I will never see another day
But still the pain refuses to stop
Even with death it follows on
The memories of life are left behind
But the feeling never fade
And neither will my pain
or the re-make(very different)
Tears of blood running down their distorted faces
Watching them die, staining life the color of death
With nothing left their hearts have stopped
The crimson night will never fade into a new day
Still the pained are not set free
Their forgotten souls left crying out
A night a reaper will soon not forget
The memories of the millions losing their lives
On this lustful night, death will rule
The fear and pain is a burning ember
That will never give in for you must see
It has only one goal and that it will never surrender
To kill and to steal, from life to death
A time of peace is a whispering thought
Only in a dream on a child’s crying mind
Hoping for peace in a world of victim filled fights
A howl in the night
A cry on the wind
time is quiet with no end
all life falls to noting
the earth is silent
though my head is loud
my thoughts fills with darkness
there is no light for which I may follow
there is nothing to hope or dream about
The Earth is still and nothing is moves
only the wind and the air and the thoughts in my head
make the slightest of sounds which no one can hear
The quickest of shot and the longest of falls
What if a painful tears could keep me here
What if thoughts could just vanished
Would I see through the hurtful frowns
Or would I just fall till I drown
Behind The Mask
Behind this smiling mask
the true hides from you
I wait for you to ask
just so I can lie and smile
I'm fine I'm happy...
But it's not the real me
It's not my true self...
Deep inside i can only cry
What i hide I wish you could find
I wish for only you to see
The anguish I feel
The tortured soul that lives
Hiding behind this smiling mask
I cry all night but shall never tell
I fear you will leave me to die
You truly want me to cry
You ask if I'm fine all i can do is hide
I don't want you to leave I don't want you to know
But if you could see what i really am
would you leave me behind would I not be worth your time
So please don't see the me I hide don't show your kindness
only to take it away Show me that i can cry in front of you
show me I don't have to hide behind a mask
No I shall never tell I shall never lower my mask
I will smile through everything so i go on pretending to be okay
maybe I'll get through another day as long as you you can truly smile
I'm fine hiding that I'm full of the tortured sorrow
Hiding behind a mask yes it's the true me that you may never see
The sleepless night of haunting memories
lay still don't remember the times past
a shadow slides around me face
i can't hold it back the thought
i wished would lay dormant inside
a soft and painful feeling
and i can't speak life is dead
i want to shout out for help
but no word will come
could any one even hear my cry's
it creeps inside your soul
waiting to devour your body
a shiver of death that takes your feeling
the fear is gone but life is left to rote
it's worthless
a wish of the ending past a wish of forgotten memories
comes flooding back you can't stop the pain and it wont leave
a changing future which can't not be touched
one moment that kills life's meaning
it's over for me it's taken it's gone
can you forget me past that even i can't
my your life so this is what they call meaning ~My Poem's~part 2 (wouldn't fit with other ones)
Peaceful Death
My heat sinks I feel the ground
My memories fade into dust
There is nothing left to fear
Life can no longer hinder
I can feel the warmth of your arms
They hold me close and promise to always be there
I want to cry with painful joy because
I know you are always there
I will never be alone you see to that
You hold me and tell me I am safe
You remove my pain
My wounds are fading and I see the sun
A smile appears please don’t let it fade
My Fav AMV!
AMV's I Made
*Note: I also made slide shows but didn't add them here
i'm doing pretty well. though the battery in my mouse just died x.x now gonna have to either hunt in the house for a replacement or try to have my dad go out and buy a pack >.<
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